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Witness the forces of good and evil do battle in an epic DC Comics event at Warner Bros. Movie World during the June and July school holidays. Join the DC Comics 75th Anniversary celebration when you bring the kids to Movie World dressed as their favourite DC Comics superhero character. Movie World will host an amazing array of DC Comics themed activity including best dressed competitions, a spellbinding, nail biting new action packed live show featuring villains Lex Luthor and the Joker battling the heroes of the Justice League. :DPlus, the spectacular Movie World Star Parade which will be transformed into a DC Comics extravaganza.:D

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Do you know which costumes are being used? I am thinking of coming down with my camera and taking a couple of happy snaps.. are the floats going to be the same or are they just going to change the banner on the film reel float like with the '2000' celebrations, Batman Begins and Alvin and the chipmunks? OH and just on costumes there was a topic on superman never being at movie world, well I believe it was on P base but not so sure. Anyway superman is standing in plain sight in front of ricks cafe!

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Was just looking over the myfun site and came across the DC Comics information... Two interesting things to notice. Firstly the image they are using on the page has Green Lantern, Wonderwoman, Batman and Superman... Secondly it states "Plus, the Movie World Star Parade will be transformed into a DC Comics themed night parade from 5pm daily, which includes all new DC Comics floats, from 26 June to 31 July only." So the parade will be running for only 6 days. Also on a side note: For June, if you purchase the new $9.95 tall sipper, you will get free refills all day... Wonder if they will make people present a receipt to stop pass holders using it again and again...

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Judging by Clint and Alex's posts, there might be some additional lighting effects for the night parade...? I just checked MW's website again and it seems the information has been updated slightly when compared with the original post.

DC75th_Logo_Char200x200.jpg Witness the forces of good and evil do battle in an epic DC Comics event at Warner Bros. Movie World during the June and July school holidays. Join the DC Comics 75th Anniversary celebration and bring the kids to Movie World dressed as their favourite DC Comics superhero character. Movie World will host an amazing array of DC Comics themed activity including best dressed competitions, a spellbinding, nail bitting new action packed live show featuring villains Lex Luthor and the Joker battling the heroes of the Justice League. Plus, the Movie World Star Parade will be transformed into a DC Comics themed night parade from 5pm daily, which includes all new DC Comics floats, from 26 June to 31 July only. So this school holidays, there is even more time to celebrate!
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What is exactly happening? Is it just a parade at 5pm and an extra show or what? How big is this parade going to be?
As the press release states te parade will feature all new DC comics floats. They are not old floats re-dressed. The significance of the 5pm time is that it's almost dark, so take from that what you will. I'm very impressed with the floats, and you all know how much it takes to impress me. But sorry, you won't be getting any spoilers from me. Best to get down to the park in July!
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^ Regardless of the talent putting the parade together it's nothing if there isn't any willingness on the part of the management to make it good. Early word on the street is willingness is not only there, but it's in abundance. Hallelujah! All I know is I've been pissing and moaning on this site for years about how the parks need to add nighttime shows, so it's great to see that finally happening! Can't wait :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit more information from an email I recently found in my inbox:

Plus, the Movie World Star Parade will be transformed into a Superhero laser night parade from 5pm daily, with brand new floats and six all-new DC Comics characters never before seen at Movie World. So, this school holidays from 26 June to 31 July only, there is even more reason to visit Warner Bros. Movie World!
Edited by pin142
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