
And the overall feel of The New Atlantis feels "fresh", if nothing else. Once open and completed it should create a sense of kinetic energy that Sea World's been sorely lacking for many years.

It's hard to capture just how much Leviathan changes the landscape at Sea World. Entirely for the better.

It's been a significant period of downtime for Jet Rescue but everything is looking good for its reopening in coming days.

The thousands of bolts that hold the ride together have been torqued and marked with paint to allow easy visual inspection.

Jet Rescue is set to reopen after extensive maintenance that has seen the ride get a lick of paint and some of its footings re-grouted.

Storm Coaster and Leviathan take over from a skyline that was once dominated by Bermuda Triangle and Corkscrew.

The ride's structure takes up a lot of horizontal space in order to brace the side-to-side force as the train picks up speed through the quick turn at the top of the lift hill before the first drop.

The sheer expanse of the concrete slab that forms the ride's foundation gives a good idea of the ride's completed size.

One of the many "head-chopper" moments where the track darts through the surrounding support structure. In total there will be ten crossovers like this on the finished ride.

These orange wooden beams are locally sourced unlike the rest of the ride's muted pine look. It's a bold accent that's unique to Leviathan.