The Parkz Update: Sea World, September 2013

We take a look at the work continuing on Storm Coaster, the expansion of Polar Bear Shores and the early groundwork of 2015's Wild animal exhibit.

Image: Parkz.

Storm Coaster
Storm Coaster's track is now complete as construction shifts to theming and comissioning the attraction ahead of its opening later in the year.

The completed structure towers over Sea World.
Undeniably now the most intimidating ride at Sea World, owing to its central location.
The coaster section of Storm is essentially just a large sweeping turn into the final straight drop.
The spiral staircase gives access to the two brake sections. This is vital to safely evacuate guests during a power failure.
A gentle start to the coaster section gives plenty of time to take in the views before the first major drop.
Storm Coaster towers over the once-impressive Sky High Skyway.
Block brakes allow multiple vehicles to safely operate on the track at a time under the basic principal of one vehicle per block.
Block brakes will stop a vehicle if the next block is not clear ahead; as such they're always placed at a high point of track that will provide enough momentum to safely finish the ride.
The lift hill acts as the first block. By design the first block is the longest in duration, and each subsequent block is shorter than the one before. This ensures that the blocks disrupt the flow of the ride as infrequently as possible.
Storm Coaster is undeniably the most impressive new attraction at Sea World since Corkscrew (now Sea Viper) in 1981.
Much of the ride's theming is salvaged boats. This one was obviously scrapped because its name was deemed un-seaworthy. SeaHorst?
Here's what happens when guests park in the disabled spots.
Already the theming is looking very stormy.
Real shipping containers – presumably cheaper and easier to obtain than building fake ones – are scattered and stacked across the site.
This whole area surrounding the underground dive will be filled with water.
The glass windows seem to be an unfortunate product of today's world of insurance and lawyers.
On the right side the shipping container isn't even remotely close to the track making the windows an disappointing restriction on what is sure to be a great view of boats diving down the final drop.
Masses of water will cascade down this sloping white roof and wall as part of the airtime hill that leads into the final  splashdown.
Inside the building, walls have been built to separate the final splashdown from the station area directly behind it. The ride will feature one final scene taking place in the building, with talk of water, sound, lighting and fire effects.
Dummy control panels that will form part of the theming. These will likely form part of an ship's engine or control room for the final section of the ride.
The exterior wall of the building exension has been made from dismantled shipping containers.
Shipping containers even form the new on-ride photo shop.
Anyone else sick of us saying shipping container?
A couple of Storm Coaster's boats sit over where Wild is currently taking shape.
The seemingly random shortening of the Flume Ride now makes a lot more sense as it snakes between the support columns.

Polar Bear Shores
The expansion of Polar Bear Shores nears completion. Unfortunately not a whole lot to be seen yet!


The exension to Polar Bear Shores to accommodate the new cub will open shortly.
The area looks like it will fit the theme of Polar Bear Shores seamlessly.
In the meantime you can look at the un-cute non-baby polar bears.
Not Penguins.
Arguably the best arbitrary obstacle to be found at any Australian theme park.

Wild is still little more than a patch of dirt in what was once part of the lake.


'Wild' continues to get good coverage around the park despite beind bumped back to 2015.
The land reclamation slowly progresses.
Much of the process is waiting for the earth to dry and stabilise before the land can be used for construction.
It's likely that the area near the lighthouse will be bridged to make 'Wild' a more accessible area – and also help with spreading crowds away from the congested middle section of Sea World.
It's likely that the area near the lighthouse will be bridged to make 'Wild' a more accessible area – and also help with spreading crowds away from the congested middle section of Sea World.