The Parkz Update: Sea World, October 2013
Time for another Parkz Update from Sea World to check in on the Storm Coaster construction, the new extension to Polar Bear Shores, 'Wild' construction and an exclusive glimpse at an exciting new parade that has debuted at the park.

Image: Parkz.
Storm Coaster construction 
Storm is definitely towering over the park now.

The pathways are open again with Storm Coaster offering a few obstacles along the way. Hopefully this area will remain open and unobstructed.

Hopefully something is done about the barren garden beds surrounding the Flume Ride.

Construction inches forward on the ride's elaborate theming.

Finishing touches are put on the housing for the airtime hill water cascades..

Looking over the construction site from the monorail, the gentle sweeping turns of Storm Coaster look a lot less twisted.

The pools that will surround the main drop have been sealed for waterproofing in preparation for filling.

Shipping container with a view.

The pathways can be seen, marked by marina-esque wooden posts. The whole area is looking very lively as the theme comes together.

Out the back at Seal Harbour the extension of the show building for Storm Coaster can be seen coming together.

Still a few patches needed on the building.

Shipping containers seem to be the default construction item.

The ride starts with a short, gentle boat trip into the lift hill.

The view from below.

The new extension to Polar Bear Shores is now open.

Just because it's open, doesn't mean you'll see much. At this early stage of the bear's life it's a bit of a gamble as to whether you'll get to see anything at all.

We assume the joke here is that a stuffed polar bear on a leash is considered essential.

One of the best themed areas in Australia is probably also one of the most easily forgotten, thanks to its isolated location at Sea World.

Even on busy days one can escape the crowds in Castaway Bay.

Ever wonder how they keep the water at Sea World such a clean turquoise colour?

Yep, filters.

Dirt moving continues. Wild.

You'll notice from this angle that the dirt still looks like dirt. Wild.

Choose your queue...

... or this one. Seems lonely.

We think the new parade leaves a lot to be desired.

And that SEALS up another Parkz Update from Sea World... S-E-A-L-ATER!
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