Movie World hypercoaster: DC Comics rumours intensify
As construction continues, rumours fly over the theme of Warner Bros. Movie World's forthcoming hypercoaster.

While the rumours fly in all sorts of different directions, few of them don't head towards a DC Comics theme.
The roller coaster is being built in the front section of Warner Bros. Movie World – an area that is already dominated by DC Comics rides – and as a result many believe that it's a foregone conclusion that the ride will feature a theme consistent with its neighbours.

The rides in this corner of the park: Superman Escape, Batwing Spaceshot, Green Lantern Coaster, Justice League: Alien Invasion 3D and Arkham Asylum - Shock Therapy all rely heavily on the DC Comics world. At the opposite end of the park Doomsday Destroyer sits in the DC Comics Super-Villains Unleashed precinct.
Indeed every major ride at Movie World – with the exception of Wild West Falls and Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster – feature a DC Comics theme.
DC Comics are the basis for the ongoing DC Extended Universe film series by Warner Bros. The series has included Man Of Steel, Batman vs. Superman and Suicide Squad to date, with ten more in the pipeline. The first three films have grossed nearly USD$2.3 billion worldwide.
Though the rides at Movie World are based mostly on their comic book equivalents rather than the film series' interpretation, the DC Extended Universe is making even minor characters from the DC world a hot commodity. Lesser-known villains like Doomsday and Harley Quinn now resonate strongly enough to feature heavily in attractions at Warner Bros. Movie World, where once few others beyond Batman and Superman would be seen.

Adding fuel to the rumours, over the weekend some fans reported hearing park officials refer to the roller coaster in the context of DC Comics. A VRTP spokesperson denied the reports however promised that they would soon be sharing news regarding the name and theme.
A popular theory in the Parkz forums is that a Suicide Squad theme was scrapped in late-2016 and they went back to the drawing board. When bright purple/magenta/pink track for the roller coaster started to arrive in March of this year, many started to think the Joker was the obvious answer. A poll in our forums has 40% of voters thinking Suicide Squad and 30% thinking Joker.
After 20 pages of agonising debate and speculation (that we urge you not to read), few think it's anything but a DC Comics ride.
As rumours of a DC themed hypercoaster reach boiling point, we've compiled a list of equally compelling rumours worthy of debate:
- The sky is blue.
- Traffic is backed up on the M1.
- The winner of The Voice this year will have one big hit then get a job as a breakfast radio host.
- The Gold Coast Suns will not win the premiership
- The next product from Apple will be massively overrated by fans and unfairly mocked by haters.
While speculation continues, Movie World's probably-DC-themed hypercoaster continues with construction and is due to open in September. An official anouncement for the ride is expected in the near future.
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