The Parkz Update: Steel Taipan: Dreamworld's forthcoming roller coaster gets a name as construction moves forward
With Dreamworld finally formally announcing the name of Steel Taipan, their upcoming launch coaster, Parkz checks in on progress on the ride, as well as other happenings at Dreamworld.

Image: The Steel Taipan logo has finally been revealed. Photo: Dreamworld
Steel Taipan

After an uncertain few months, a main contractor is now on site and work is underway.

Track continues to arrive from Germany for the upcoming Steel Taipan launch coaster.

A collection of anchor cages is piling up in the corner of the compound. These are cast into the top of the foundations, with bolts arranged such that supports can sit precisely in position. Mack Rides are well known for their cream coloured anchor cages, so many a coaster fan has identified a Mack ride might be coming simply by spotting these on site.

More anchor cages are being stored under Buzzsaw.

The previously hilly site has been flattened, giving us a clear view to the Dreamworld Express train shed.

An interesting side effect of the site works; we can see right through to the old Blue volcano, another disused part of the park that still remains undemolished years after closure.

Not a whole lot to see yet on site.

Most of the work is focused on providing a level pad.
Dreamworld Express

The Dreamworld Express train appears to be undergoing some significant changes.

Large portions of the track have been pulled up.

Rumours suggest a re-routing of the track to eliminate the loop around the old Blue Lagoon is on the cards.

Hopefully this corner of the park will be sorted out once and for all.
Ocean Parade

The Claw is back up and running for its 2020 maintenance period, ready for the Christmas holidays.

It's perhaps the most constantly changing corner of Dreamworld.

In one of the worst kept secrets, Hot Wheels Sidewinder is being rethemed as "Gold Coaster", with a retro Gold Coast theme, harking back to the glory days of the "glitter strip" .

The spiral queue ramp has been converted to an open air structure, with a lifeguard chair in the middle

The V8 Supercars store has been renamed Shaka Shack.

Flowrider is closed for good and boarded off (Excuse the pun).

With the retro Gold Coast theme being given to this corner of the park, the breezeblocks of the old Thunderbolt station have come into their own.

A retail stand has been simply named "Food Market".

A 3rd party vendor is operating here, selling kebabs. It's unintentionally the best value food offer at the park; $10 kebabs and $15 HSPs.

Grid Burgers is now Barrels Burger Bar.

Kickback cove continues the reimagined bleached retro hip style of Ocean Parade, with the old 90s surf culture vibe dissapearing with Wipeout.

"Instagrammable" is the thing now right? #Dreamworld #Summer #Fun

A temporary looking (And hopefully temporary in general) hoop shot game.

Another temporary carnival game has been set up between The Claw and Food Market.
Around the Park

A number of other projects are on the go. The Ice Cream Parlour is getting some love.

Old weathered mouldings are being pulled off and replaced.

Giant drop, now operating without the Tower of Terror.

There are now a bunch of stickers around the park. Kids can fill out a passport with the numbered words to spell out a secret phrase.
Steel Taipan is expected to open at Dreamworld in late 2021.
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