Superman Escape

I've ridden Superman Escape

Superman Escape is a highly rated roller coaster operating at Warner Bros. Movie World. Built by Intamin in 2005. Read More...

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Superman Escape review by Santa07

by Santa07, 9 years ago
Rated 4.0 A thrilling ride that packs a lot into one ride. Queues can often be the longest in the park (or second-longest behind Scooby) though so make sure you get this done early in the day.

Review Criteria

Enjoyment Amazing

Superb launch. Great airtime. Very forceful. Hard to think of something more enjoying.

Effectiveness Amazing

Intensity Very High

The launch is very powerful, and the ejector airtime over the hills is an amazing sensation (ride in the front or back to make the most of this!).

Rider Comfort Very Good

A very smooth ride, however there can be a bit of a rattle especially if you're sitting towards the back. Lap-bars could have made the ride even better.

Pacing Very Good

The first section going through the subway builds excitement, but the rollercoaster part is over very fast. Launch-to-brakes the actual rollercoaster part of the ride is only about 30 seconds.

Theming/Storyline Very Good

While the dark ride subway section has some great special effects, more care could have been taken with the station as it feels a little bland.

Upkeep/Presentation Very Good

Other than the effects in the subway not working, it's usually in good condition.

Queue/Efficiency Good

If only run train is running, queues can be 45 minutes to an hour, or even more than that in peak season. Fortunately this is dramatically reduced when the second train is running, but this is usually sitting in the maintenance bay for a large portion of the year.

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4.2 / 5.0 – Very Good

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