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Superman: Ride of steel


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I just heard some news that a major new Superman movie is now in production. That got my mind ticking over and instantly I thought of Movie World. What could be better for their next ride than a Superman theme, coinciding with the opening of the movie. I'd imagine a new movie would instantly re-ignite interest in Superman, a character which is owned by Warner Bros. It would be the perfect tie-in with the park. And of course, it couldn't be just another crappy walk-thru attraction. What else could it be other than a massive roller coaster? I'd be thinking either a standard sit down hyper coaster or else a flying coaster. Not only is this just a dream of mine but I truly believe it could be a possiblity in the near future at MW

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It'll be a big movie. Warner Bros. will absolutely milk it for everything they can. I'm convinced that along with next year's Batman, it'll be a flop. Certainly nothing up to the standards of what other studios are doing with the Marvel franchise. Any movie directed by a guy who doesn't have a real name (McG) is just asking to be bad. Brett Ratner (Rush Hours, Red Dragon) was originally slated to direct, but apparently he wasn't getting far enough with it, so he was sacked in favour of McG (with nothing other than the farces that are Charlies Angels films under his belt), who's not even as far as Ratner was along with the project in terms of pre-production. Anyway (enough sidetracking :)), 2006, when the new Superman comes out is also four years since the last major ride. 2002 was Scooby-Doo, 1998 was Wild Wild West (ugh, Wild West Falls), three years before, in 1995 was Lethal Weapon. Not much maths there, if we don't get something decent by 2006, we're being screwed over. :D

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I wouldn't think that WarnerBros is going to get another high speed high thrill ride,MW is a park that's really more about theming.In my opinion,the only real thing's of that sort there are Wild West Falls at 70kmh and LethalWepon at 85kmh.But if this a fantasy post then I'd have to agree that the upcoming movie is a pretty good excuse to bring in a high speed ride(I like the idea of a flying coaster)not that I ever liked Superman that much.But I really don't like the idea of a Superman ride at MW,It would be just like Superman the Escape,with a crappy little Superman statue on top of the ride.Besides,Movie World is a theme park that really takes in more recent sort of stuff,like Scooby-Doo,Wild,west, ect. Oh,and remind me again what a floorless is.

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Having a flyer for me would be an excellent addition. A park like Movieworld could do a themed superman flyer really well (unlike the hardly themed SF coasters), and having been on AIR, I can attest to them being great rides. The sensation is excellent, and because all the forces seem to be exaggerated, you wouldn't have to build a tall obnoxious track. I don't know how far back the parks land extends back, but there's a lovely spot behind Looney Tunes and Police Academy that seem built for this style of ride. One can dream, though I dare say it ain't happening. I'd be less surprised if MW built a Superman simulator, like what was done for Batman.

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It would be great if they could somehow use the already existing Daily Planet building as the main entry for the Superman ride. That would definitely be keeping in with the theme. It's sort of near the area you are talking about joz except I'm thinking the Police Academy show might be in the way. I keep reading all this stuff in the paper re Village Roadshow and their current financial position. They have been having a bit of trouble and have been spending loads of capital buying back shares. Although I don't know, I can imagine they would try and avoid big expenditure on things like new rides. They haven't paid any dividends for 2 years. Hopefully this doesn't affect their theme park plans too much

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Oh really rabid? Have they already released details of what is going to be happening in a few years time? I can't imagine that but if you have any goss fill us in please. Well here's hoping it's not going to be a massive animal exhibit, a walk-thru attraction or more Australiana shows for the tourists (we already know they are spending millions on the Outback Craptacular)

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Nah, at least with that you can understand why that rumour would have existed. Manager to Ride Op: We're spending $1million on the beach to refurb it up. Ride Op to Forums member: Management are spending heaps of money on the beach Forum member to everyone else: Heaps of money = New Slide for the beach! Ian's sources on the other hand, are higher up then that ;):D Gazza: The station isn't so much a Y, but more of a --<===>--- (Keep in mind that - is a piece of track :) ). Think of how DW and SW's log ride stations operate, and you've pretty well got it. The only difference is that the queue splits just outside the station and you load from the outside of the station. In the middle of the station are the exit stairs and storage lockers (which are accessible from both stations). These are closed and locked when the train leaves the station, and have the number of the train on them, because in two station mode, you arrive back onto the other platform. AIRs restraints are excellent. Those who whinge about them are just crazy. You load exactly like a normal inverted coaster. The restraints (as far as anyone sitting down is concerned) is little more then an OTSR. When you close it, the things holding your feet in place close. The thing holding your feet is in such a position, that your feet are just in the right spot and you don't have to think about it.

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as joz would know from talking to him at work today. Movieworld are looking at something Big they have some ideas of different things that may work. But that all I will say as my position is getting alot better in the company now a days which means I need to keep certain stuff quiet or between inside workers like Joz. and to the comment outback crap you need to know that Paradise Country is been built from the overseas market not the Sydney thrill market so in my opion work has made a great little side park to cater for this.

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I was referring to the Outback Spectacular which is supposedly being built, not Paradise Country which already exists. Apparantley it is going to be at a huge cost and targeted squarely at the asian tour market (even though they already have Paradise Country). My main point was that I was questioning whether Village Roadshow would be willing to spend money on new rides considering their current financial position. I hope that some of the money they do spend in the near future goes towards new rides for MW rather than just expansions to Paradise Country or another walk-thru exhibit

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Village Roadshow's buy-back's pretty well about creating a higher share-price for themselves. It's a borderline dodgy practice (still well within the law, naturally), but it is Village Roadshow we're talking about here. As for their withholding of dividends, I remember when that announcement was made back in 2002 (amidst a lot of market disgust), the reasons provided was along the lines of to essentially allow them to concentrate profits on the growth of their different businesses, with theme parks explicitly mentioned. Outside of Sea World's Shark Bay, which was planned (and invested in) well before the announcement was made I'm guessing, there's been no capital expenditure in any of our theme parks. There's $16m or so per park - probably around $20 million in total that goes to Village Roadshow (Warner Bros. have their take too don't forget), per year that's being made as profits. Shareholders aren't seeing that money, the parks sure aren't, so I guess despite the reasons given for the dividend changes, that money's funding this little share buy-back. Anyway, that's just a side-point I thought I'd make. Remember that Warner Village Theme Parks is more or less an entirely separate operating that runs the parks. As I know it, Paradise Country, which is being (and always was meant to be) relocated to their Oxenford land, is the same as the Outback show. The original releases for Outback Spectacular made mention of animal attractions. It won't be a part of Movie World and you won't see ads for it on TV or anything. I'm not totally convinced it was a good investment. I think it's funny that at the same time that they announce the rotation of rides because of the tourism industry (yes, I know Dreamworld's far worse when it comes to this sort of thing, but hear me out), while at the same time they're constructing a multi-million dollar facility that relies exclusively on this market share, which is currently in terrible shape. My money's personally on five years before it's gone, or severely cut in size, but I suppose I hope I'm wrong (I'd say that the money made from that will help the parks get big new rides, but y'know, Village Roadshow'll probably be spending all that money on a rocket to the moon or magic beans or something).

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$13 mill Shark Bay, & $20 mill (roughly) Outback Experience. Add to that the acquisition and relocation costs (admittedly minor at best, since all they really bought was a few licences, animal stock and a brand name) of Paradise Country, park rehabs (Roxy theatre is currently covered in scaffolding), this years addition (I doubt this is of any interest to people hear) to WnW aimed at giving it better capacity, and your looking somewhere around the $40 mill in capital expenditure in the space of three or so years. Thats a huge amount to be spending on cap ex. Richard: Warner Brother's top executive came to the parks recently, so even if Village Roadshow is up the creek, there's always Warner Brothers, and now they've been reminded that they STILL own theme parks they may just be inspired to invest in them.

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Oh no what on earth could WnW possibly be adding next? Could it be some more spas? Or maybe an exciting new picnic area? Give us a break! So much exependiture going on and yet none of it on thrill (or even just family) rides. Hopefully DW will give MW a run for their money this year with their new addition

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That's just like Wonderland's land. I have looked at some old street directories (Before thhey started selling off the land), and they owned alot of land, even land on the otherside of the road from Bush Beast, on the side of the Eastern Creek Race Track. Man they owned alot of land.

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