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Time for a little dreaming


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Paramount's Kings Island announced very recently a very cool Italian Job themed coaster. Check it out here. Think Test Track (great analogy seeing as there can't me too many others here who've ridden this :)), only a coaster instead of a people mover. It's jam packed with special effects and has two LIM launches and very nifty themed cars. This is the first new ride that's actually gotten me excited in a number of years, to the point where at this stage (and if when it opens next year it lives up to the videos) my travel plans for next year are being based on this attraction. Anyway, I just thought this would be the ultimate style of ride for Movie World. Obviously find a movie in the Warner Bros. catalogue and integrate it with the film's launch. I just can't think of a more appropriate ride for Movie World. It doesn't look hideously expensive (Paramount work with budgets more in-line with our parks than say Disney or Universal), it'd have a capacity around the same as Movie World's existing rides, so nothing that's an overkill for capacity. It'd be a thrill ride, in every sense of the word, but it wouldn't be the sort of thing that sacrifices thrills and speed for theming, which I know seems to be high on Movie World's agenda these days. Extend the path beside Wild West Falls, and use the hill behind Wild West Falls which is currently used for storage. Just find us a movie coming out in around 2006 from Warner Bros. that this sort of thing would fit and we're set.:cool:

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How dare PKI claim that their ride will be the wildest and most thrilling, when we all know that the claw is the ultimate thrill ride? Seriously, that looks very impressive, and even being based around the Italian job can't diminish the appeal of the ride for me. It does sound at least semi-family friendly so that would also be right up the parks alley. I'd wanna see what the final product is and how it turns out, but its hard to see it being anything other then a hit.

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Hey all, The concept of this new ride does sound pretty cool and would do well in a place like this. Originallly, the Lethal Weapon ride was to be centered around a "Car Chase". Unfortunately, multiple budget cuts got the better of LW & after realising that riders would barely notice what was going on around them anyway we ended up with a great coaster but sadly, built on a pile of river rock and a dreadful pre show which was later re thought as a walk through. One of the original concepts for LW was to feature an "exploding car" that flipped over the track toward the end of the ride. This would have been a pretty cool visual that strongly fitted the previous offerings at the park - The concept was later overhauld and brought to life in Movie world Germany. Interestingly, LW at Germany is a pretty crappy coaster with great visuals. Our version is kinda the opposite! Another big plan for the Park some years back was to replace the old Movie Magic Show with a new "Matrix" Movie Magic experience. Again, the concept was downgraded to a display replacing Potter whilst all major capital works for Village parks were frozen beyond Shark Bay. Last I heard, the project of replacing Movie Magic is back on the backburner and we can expect to see a replacement to the dated show for this year's Xmas season. This will serve as a mild buffer together with other holiday promos to keep a share of the market In addition to that, expect to finally see a replacement to Marvin the Martian 3D over the next 12 months, a "refreshed" Looney Tunes River Ride and a brand new Thrill open for xmas 06. What I love about MW (unlike DW) is that when something get's old, they are not afraid to update it and keep the place looking new. DW seems to just keep on adding more and more rides (they really could afford to do away with some of those dated rides - not to mention it would improve their operating costs;)

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In addition to that, expect to finally see a replacement to Marvin the Martian 3D over the next 12 months, a "refreshed" Looney Tunes River Ride and a brand new Thrill  open for xmas 06.
That too me, coupled with a replacement/upgrade to the special effects show, is just what the doctor ordered. Freshen up the older parts of the park, replace the old stuff and add something completly new. Just curious, is Movieworld getting a new 3D film, or is Marvin the Martian just going to get an extra D (taking it's total number of Ds to 4)? :D;)
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I reckon if MW does get a ride similar to that, they should theme it to the Police Stunt Show. Geez, those stuntmen should get bored of doing the show by now..? Anyways, when the show retires, the themed ride/coaster can be of a memory to the long period of time the show stayed with MW. Just my opnion, lol.

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There's always 2006's Police Academy 8 (if it's taken them 10 years to get the script right since the last one, it's bound to be good :rolleyes: ). Actually, if anything, I think this guarantees that the stunt show will be around for a good four or five more years before they even think about touching it. It's a great show (honestly the best theme park show I've seen, beating out every Disney or Universal show I've sat through), but I've thought for a long time now it's needed to take some lengthy time off and have the set virtually rebuilt from the ground up. I think they've reached the limits with what they can repair with "on the fly" maintenance. That's beside the point of this topic though. :)

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  • 7 months later...

Im dragging up an old thread here, but the ride is finished now and is being tested. The coaster layout looks cool, but the theming doesn't seem as good as what was expected, apparrently, to them, a multideck car park is just a concrete wall with "parking" written on it. Link - http://cedarfairohio.tripod.com/ijstrun.html

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  • 4 months later...

Don't get me wrong i like the Police Academy show but it's been more than ten years - time to retire it for something new, and they could also replace the Matrix exibit. What if they made something like (Disneylands Buzzlightyear) themed to Terminator or similar? Do you think they will ever have another studio tour as the one @ Universal Studios is quite popular? They could make ride elements of some-sort similar to Universal -with New Line Cinema being a Warner company, imagine going through a Middle Earth battle set!! :D

Edited by taronga
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  • 11 months later...

I think it's fine as it is. The entry through Chinatown/the garage area/the alley with the cars/graffiti etc is interesting enough (though some filling out with Chinese character actors/spring rolls vendors and whatnot would be good). At least it's a fun ride, doesn't need too many frills.

Edited by Tony Teulan
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Lethal Weapon's theming is done really well, could not of done it better myself :P . However, the china town bit before the ride entry could of been done better though. The path that goes from the main street to lethal is too quiet! The buildings that theme china town should be a bit more interactive, instead of just fake walls and a bit of smoke. They should incorparate it more into the park with a couple of food outlets or a thrill ride. They could put like a chinese fast food shop, and the thrill ride could be something like Reef Diver at Dreamworld, except the carriges could be themed around fire crackers going out of control. Oh, and just one more thing, What is the point of having the cinema before the ride? I don't watch it. I think it should be ripped down and just have a outside queue area. Well these are just my thoughts, I know it is probably not going to change anything, but i can dream! :D CoasterBoy6

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Out of Control fireworks, I like that idea. :D Spring roll vendors sound good too, as long as they'er not over priced. :)
They have the cinema because it is a preshow. When the ride was new, it served as an additional waiting area when the queues in the alley area were long. Even though everyone just walks straight through, I don't think they should remove this theming just for making the outdoor queue longer!
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I personally liked the Chinatown area, allthough it is a bit 2 dimensional, it did actually seem very realistic, and not unlike Chinatown in Melbourne. I think LW is pretty much right as it is, maybe the only improvement i would make would be to add a couple more smashed up cars (like the one by the shop) as leg choppers around the ride. Also, just a stupid little thing i noticed when i was at MW, and again in the photo gallery here. Whenever you look down the shortcut path from S:E into the LW plaza, the sign on the brown building is obscured in such a way that it looks like its saying R.S.L, http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/gallery/s...pe-wbmw/003.jpg there must be some people who look down and get excited about the prospect of pokies etc.

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