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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/10/11 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Gazza I reckon you're right on the money with "Summer Phenomenally Shit" returning in December by 'popular' demand and to wrap up the 30th Birthday year-long Calender of Crap. So with no new ride to kick off the festivities, a brand new flat ride was rushed into Ocean Parade that feels just like a lame version of the Claw. If that doesn't get your heart racing then why not step back in time to the Gold Rush and spend a leisurely hour or two waiting to enjoy the Park's latest thrill. We caught up with an alleged Publicity & Promotions spokesperson, Ms Jane Smith who took a few moments to talk about the exciting new ride. "From the moment you step into our overflow queue you may be thinking is this really worth a 2 hour wait?? -but don't worry, you'll soon forget all of that once the sun stroke kicks in. We deliberately provided no shade for the comfort of our guests allowing them to better adjust to the 40 degree heat once inside our authentic Australian tin shed. We affectionately refer to it as the "Dreamworld Bakehouse" . Our Expert Craftsman have done a spectacular job creating an environment that accurately simulates the sensation of being slow cooked in an old fashioned cottage stove" "We understand that it will get a little stuffy during the Summer months so we decided to go with very little theming so not to distract our patrons from the important things like breathing. Our goal is to have most guests make it all the way to the ride safely and enjoy the highlight of this exciting and truly immersive experience. After all, Guest comfort and safety is our number one priority!! I asked Jane what she loves most about her role at DW? "Well Mikey it's got to be that sparkle of excitement you see in a child's face - only just before I watched a little girl skipping out of the ride exit back to her Parent's who had been patiently waiting over the last few hours... "WOW Mum that was so much fun, the ride wasn't scary at all but in the line there is this really scary part where you can't even breath and it was so Hot in there, I thought I was just going to die! Can I go again? please can I can I can I?"- "it's these special moments that make my job so rewarding" I asked Jane what else DW had in store as the special surprise for the end of the year, to which she obliged "our children friendly area of the Park is getting an exciting new theme! Whilst there will be no new additions to the area whatsoever we have invested generously in purchasing exactly 36 tins of paint for the project! We're all so excited about it because you just won't recognize the place after all that paint goes on. Our marketing guys are working on a fantastic advertising campaign featuring the new look that will hit your telly later in the year... stay tuned!! OK so maybe none of this probably didn't happen
    1 point
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