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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/11 in all areas

  1. Xcelerator is taller and faster but I much prefer Superman as, even though it's the "same ride", it's a higher quality coaster overall. Same could be said for Scooby. Fairly common attractions made unique by the way VRTP has executed the theming, customized the layout etc. Now we're getting an El Loco that will also be unique -- steeper drop, 4 across seating, lap bars, in-seat audio and heavier banking on the "reverse bank" turn among other small yet fantastic improvements. The guys in charge of ride selection are not purposely avoiding B&M. I guarantee you that they would also love a stand-up, flyer or wingrider in the park, but the reality is that there's a budget, and they've done a brilliant job with what they've been allocated.
    2 points
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