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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/11/11 in all areas

  1. Funny, when there were details emerging of just how cool this ride was going to be no one had anything to say. On board audio? That's awesome, and something extra Movie World have done to make the ride better that no one has made comment on. Pulsing LEDs on the frot of each car, extra capacity, lapbars, and the second steepest drop in the world gets no response on here but as soon as you see a spot to post a negative comment, in it goes. Such a disappointing attitude from people who claim to like parks.
    2 points
  2. No actually - you put a toll on something that will see a lot of use, and allow each user to repay a small part of the construction cost. In this case, the pay-per-play attractions have pathetic capacity - handling 1-2 people every 5 minutes or so each. If it were included in the cost of entry, the queue would never drop below 5 hours. You'd be in line all day... By charging extra, you drop out the people who would just do it because it's there, and restrict it's patronage to those who seriously want to have a go. Can I ask what you'd classify Happy Feet 3D as? It sure as hell isn't a ride, so - a show?... That yet, you have no interest in. So what you're really saying is you want the parks to build more shows that YOU'RE interested in?
    1 point
  3. FWIW I thought it was pretty good.
    1 point
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