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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/01/12 in all areas

  1. During PASS if Robyn was playing Knopinski my name would always be mentioned at some stage during the show. Dianne once complained she didn't want to be Proctor while I was chatting to her during morning photo ops and said to me "You know the script don't you?" So I started up the Captain Harris lines and we spoke out all of the Proctor and Captain Harris dialogue. I learnt how to make balloon animals from "Mad Mike" Bennett. A long time back staff in the Dirty Harry Bar who I knew, but will not mention, pointed out while serving us that if we don't receive a receipt that if we point it out we get a full refund. They would then not give us a receipt, we would point it out and get our money back. Or whenever they changed the nacho bases we would get one free each (all four of us) and be asked for feedback. Around the same time we would get free refills on our drinks and popcorn. I also remember one instance where Tweety and Taz had an impromptu wrestling match at the top of Main Street and Foghorn Leghorn counted the pin but Taz. Ah, back when the staff obviously loved what they did and didn't see it as just an income...
    1 point
  2. Don't know whether you are being serious or trying to be funny Either way you and your cousin are idiots
    1 point
  3. Now now guys, jacko IS only 10. Sure, posting a lot of threads can be annoying but he's just enthusiastic.
    1 point
  4. A ton of his threads are active, and we haven't really said anything about bad grammar up till now, so don't give me the 'you're all so unwelcoming' tripe. We genuinely welcome Jacko's contribution, but we want this site to skew towards people who can spell and express themselves reasonably well. We don't expect perfection, and I'd be a hypocrite if I did, but we don't accept 'l33t' or really bad stuff because it's not enjoyable to read. We want Jacko (and you) to keep posting. But we want him (and all members) to at least be mindful of spelling and punctuation, and how easily your posts can be read. We will always want quality over quantity, it's as simple as that. If you don't want to comply, that's fine; there are a million YouTube videos you can comment on, or Facebook groups you can join and we wish you all the best. If you want to post here, then you have to put thought and effort into your posts. Gazza may have expressed that in a way which I guess could be interpreted as a personal attack, but I don't think it was, that's just the way Gazza talks and as far as I'm concerned, that's the end of it. I'll split this off if I have to, but in the meantime let's get back to talking about, wait, what was this topic about again?
    1 point
  5. Quick - somebody throw a bucket of water of him... then a back of stunt-feathers... I can't edit here - but that should have said 'bag' of stunt feathers.
    1 point
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