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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/12 in all areas

  1. Madagascar: A crate Adventure Pretty cutsey queue line, with a maze of bamboo switchbacks, irregular shade sail roofs, decorated with colourful island lights (some of them pufferfish) I havent seen Madagascar, but basically your boat goes through the hull of a ship, and on the other side you discover the animals have been marooned on the island. Through here you go through a very nice jungle environment with the various characters in a few gag situations. One of my favourites was a couple of monkeys..."If you see anyone, throw poo at them!", cue the water droplet effects, and the hippo (Gloria!) that moves her head from side to side like African American women do. At one point, to escape (some crocs I think?) the boat runs on a fast conveyer belt, like what happened at the vortex on Bermuda at SW. You eventually encounter King Julien, the Lemur, who complains that the Foosa are always ruining their parties by ripping their heads off etc. At this point, you get the feeling they were short on money because the whole section is CGI on screens rather than animatronics. So after that you go into Foosa territory along with all the other shipwrecked animals to try and stop them. This last section goes back to being all 'animaltroinics' though, and you pass through a volcano, where you see the animals taking on the foosas, who are defeated by a stick of TNT provided by the penguins and carelessly thrown by King Julien In terms of entertainment value, it was on par with LTRR, though this one was perhaps a bit more colourful and energetic, which i guess the kiddies love. Was alright, but I only rode it once, and I'm struggling to remember all of it, so I guess it perhaps didn't leave a lasting impression. Shrek 4D Is it really better than MWs version? I guess the Far Far Away castle exterior (Which then becomes Farquads castle in the preshow..oops!) and the queue look good. I can see what is meant about the roof being plain ducts etc, but I think its not realistic to say guests wont look up. In a queue area that big, and even just waiting say 10 mins for the next show in there, everyone is going to look up at some point. Ours had the better looking preshow room IMO. Smaller, but with the same amount of theming, so in SG it looks too spread out, but ours looked just right. Some of the jokes have been dropped. None of the routine about 'floggings' nor the seatbelt joke (But that lives on in some form next door, will get to it in a sec) I used to think we were cheap by painting the metalwork on the doors in 2D on our version, but theirs is exactly the same. As for the movie itself, theirs had more lighting effects to match the onscreen action and some wind (which smelled like dettol), but ours had better seat movements, for example the galloping on ours was perfect, but in SG it was noticeably slower. Donkey Live Not just for kids, and better than Shrek 4D IMO, so don't miss this (Along with Lights, Camera, Action). Set in a "Knightclub", It's run live by an Eddie Murphy soundalike and a human accomplacie out in the theatre (casual bench seating), and an animated Donkey on screen matches mouth movements with the presenter, all the usual crowd interaction, and it flows pretty well. In my Show Donkey was picking on a Malaysian Couple, culiminating in 'marrying' them in the show. Donkey performs a song at the end too, Magic Potion Spin Didn't ride, but it didn't seem to get a long queue either. Treasure Hunters Probably the most elaborate car ride out there, with woven mesh doors at the side, cos this is Universal. The Accelerator does squat and the ride just moves along itself You do get to steer a bit, Autopia style. The ride winds around some nice scenes like a section with a Nile Crocodile & Cobras, an area of ruins overrun by swarming scarabs (done by having a fallen column, wiht the mid section of the coulumn spinning to simulate the scarabs running around it, and an old bridge where the wooden supports fall away from the sides. If you go early in the day and see it has a 5 min queue, its worth killing time for that. Monsters of Rock The Show is MCed by a yank in a School Uniform, who brings 7 classic Universal monsters (Dracula, Frankenstien, Phantom of the Opera, Warewolf, the Bride, a female Mummy, They perform a few songs, with dialogue and banter between each song. The coreography, lighing, music and pyro were great, but some of them had screechy singing voices (The Bride in particular) I know I only named 6, but I have NFI who the pink girl is in this pic: http://www.rwsentosa...ollywoodTheater Worth a look. Transformers: Ultimate 3D Battle. Neck and neck with Harry Potter as the worlds best theme park attraction. Just really well polished and put together, and immersive from start to finish. If you are tossing up wether to visit USS, go for this one! Because its new, I'll put it in Spoiler tags. Basically the story of the ride is that you are volunteers of NEST, a partnership between Human and Autobots to protect the allspark from the Decepticons (Autobots: Good, Deceptions: Bad, Allspark: A shard of material able to bring machines to life with its touch. So, the queue takes you through a typical military base themed area, with concrete walls, computers, flashing control panels, red warning lights, buzzing alarms etc. The decepticons are breaking in, and you have to roll out with Evac (A new Autobot) to transport the allspark to safety. The safety vid is quite humours, with some banter between Evac, and a computerised voice...sample dialouge : Computer: "Goodbye Humans" Evac: "I think you mean good luck" Computer: "Goodbye Humans" You load in and leave the station, a large screen shows a security breach. Evac tells you to be on the look out for trouble, but he is interrupted mid sentence by some (very convincing sounding) machine gun fire. You go around the corner to the first screen. A truck with a robotic arm attempts to load you with the allspark, but ravage jumps in, grabs it, jumps on the bonnet of the vehicle and snaps at you, before leaping away onto an overhead catwalk. You turn and head to the next screen. Bumblebee comes itn to assist, grabbing ravage, taking back the allspark, and tossing it to you (all to the tune of "Give it to me baby") Evac extends his arm to catch it (Funny to imagine your ride vehicle as a setient being), but another decepticon grabs you by the arm trying to take it. Optimus Prime jumps in to assist, tackling the decepticon, giving you a chance to esape. With a screch of the tyres you move out of the base and into the city streets (screen 3). Optimus gives the order to roll out, and you speed away, avoiding traffic. Its not smooth for long, as you pin backwards to outrun that deception with saws on his hands (name?) You dodge and weave, eventuall reversing into a subway tunnel. Just as you cross the tracks a train barrels through, decaptiating the head of the decepticon that was just chasing you. You bust through and find yourself in a sewer. Megatron appears again and tries to attack (screen 4), but he bumps into a water main, breaking it, and spraying his arm (and you) with a bit of water. That gives you a chance to escape. You head around a couple of turns through some tunnels, tyres screching and engine roaring, and the vehicle turning this way and that..."Wrong way...we're trapped". Eventually you exit the tunnel and find yourself in the pit of a construction site (screen 5). A deception jumps down and brutally knocks away a scaffold, sending poles flying at you. It then launches a missile, which gets right in your face, but files overhead, exploding behind. You feel the hot air of the explosion and see the glow. You spin 180 and see a huge hole blasted in the wall, and you pass through it. What is cool is that the exposed reinforcing mesh glows red hot and then fades at the tips. You reach the 6th screen (the hole in the wall leads to a subway station), but all of sudden a powerful rush of air sucks you up and out to street level....Devistator is using his giant vacuum mouth to suck up everything. EVAC takes evasive action and takes cover, speeding away along the streets. You transition to screen 7, where Sideswipe appears and tries to attack, but time slows down (bullet time type effect), evac takes his gun, leaps over, shoots at his head, then lands back on the ground. You try to speed away, but Devistaor is back, and you, along with several cars get sucked back, towards his mouth. Right as you go through EVAC engages his shields, and you pass straight through devistators mouth and out the otherside. You aren't free for long though, as a flying decepticon comes in, hooks you with a cable and takes you on a terrfying flight above the streets, including a moment where you fishtail around into the side of an office building, smashing through the window, through tables and chairs, and back out the other side, taking out a concrete column for good measure. This causes the cable to come loose, and you are hurled onto the top floor of a skyscraper under construction. EVAC speeds around the floor, trying to find a way out (with some realisic theming like temporary construction lights on cables, and bits of equipment), you come to another screen (#8), where Optimus and Megatron are battling it out, knocking over the tower crane in the process. Megatron urges you to protect the allspark. you turn away, to another scree, where that fighter jet decepticon comes in, shoots down a hovering NEST helicpoter, before transforming and flying away. You turn away to another screen (#9).. Evac asks "What do we do?". At that moment Megatron comes down and says "Beg for mercy". Optimus reappears and the two wrestle each other away. Evac gets some balls, and says "No more running, he takes off and jumps onto Megatron from behind and says "If he wants the allspark, he can have it!", and proceeds to jam it into his back, causing him to overload. As this happens everyone falls of the skycscraper...Evac: "Oh no!". This is just like Spiderman, where it feels like you are really falling. Right as you are about to hit the ground bumblebee catches you. The force of it causes you to fall through the pavement and land in an underground car park. You turn away from the scene and see crumbled columns and bits of street furniture/cars have fallen down with you. You reach the final scene, where Optimus bends down and says "Your bravery has saved the planet, well done!". You head back to the unload station, and above you you can see a full sized Megatron replica has fallen through the roof. As you pass under his red eyes fade into lifelessness. The unload station is back in NEST headquarters, and you can see ninja stars stuck in the walls and roof and other signs that a battle has been going on whilst you were gone. Woah, as I said, really well done. Better than Spiderman, and it never really lets up at all. The ride takes place across two floors due to limited space in Singapore (And Hollywood) The lifting happens on the 3rd screen, and the trip down via a quick decent on the 'Freefall Scene' screen...a bonus because it enhances the falling sensaton a bit. Would be awesome if they could make it do a Th13teen style true freefall, but that would be pushing in on this type of ride. You do have to really look to notice the two lifts,...The GP wont in general, and even I didn't realise till my 3rd ride. But basically there are two of them in mirror image (for capacity reasons), when one goes up, the other goes down. The room is a big half cylinder. The projector is mounted on a pole at the back of the lifting platform, so when you go up, everything moves together. The curve of the walls of the room that the image is projected on means your whole field of vision is taken up. I'd give this a 10/10 for sure.
    1 point
  2. Hi All, Here is my submission. I have a presentation panel plus two attachments with more detail about the specific rides and how they fit into the expanded Wild West Falls area. Sorry for the lateness, I just spent well over 2.0 hours trying to upload my jpegs..... quite frustrating... I had three files but only two seem to upload as jpeg.... I worked out that I could submit them as pdf's.....sorry for the inconvenience....I hope my entry is still valid.... Challenge 2 - Presentation Panel.pdf Challenge 2 - Attachment A.pdf Challenge 2 - Attachment B.pdf
    1 point
  3. So many possibilities Although the thought of seeing a single car of the train going round the course with 2 seats does kind of amuse me.
    1 point
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