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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/05/12 in all areas

  1. If you have such an issue with these forums, as you always express, why don't you just leave them? Why do you keep coming back? Or if you feel as if you're being attacked when you post, why do you keep posting? There's plenty of other theme park forums out there (TPR, CoasterForce, etc.). I just don't get why you'd keep coming back to something you openly dislike. I for one love the new trains. On my first two days of riding it, I found it slightly painful on the legs (but much better than the headache). The headache/ear ache lasted for a few minutes and was so painful that friends would not ride Lethal Weapon at all with me. The leg pain, I'd simply stand up and it'd go away. After maintenance, I found that the leg pain actually got better (didn't hurt as much). During some of the tight turns/loops/barrel rolls the harness did not press in as much. Overall, I'm willing to give a little pain for a great ride. Hell, even on Superman I experience slight pain with my neck sometimes knocking against the thin harness.
    2 points
  2. When I suggested you though the ride was better you shut me down. Now you quote other posts saying you DO think it's better. In beginning to think you just want an argument regardless.
    1 point
  3. There is no company promoting here. Of course I wouldn't come on here bashing but if there is something I don't like I will just say nothing. My postings on this topic are from a coaster enthusiast point of view 100%. I, like most other riders was blown away by the transformation in the ride experience with the new train. My passion comes from wanting everyone to try it and see for themselves and not be discouraged from some very negative opinions which I strongly disagree with. It's nature that most of the time people with something good to say, say nothing, but people with a complaint are very vocal. Ask anyone that has worked in customer service. This means the negative views can often overpower the positive ones, I don't want that to indicate to people who haven't ridden that the ride is bad. Wyncenuros doesn't seem to be willing to accept that the vast majority of people DO think the ride is better and even wants to turn around and say his positives are still negative. The good thing is there are a tonn of SLCs out there in the world for people to enjoy with the old trains if they desire. Fortunately for us we have this awesome new variant,
    1 point
  4. Wyn, there are some employees who fight tooth and nail for their company and will subject anyone who posts a negative thing about the park to an inquisition. I enjoy reading unbiased opinions and just don't pay any attention to the others. I personally had leg pain after the ride but still don't understand how someone could have a headache. I suppose I would swear black and blue about the leg pain as much as others swear black and blue about the head pain. I think I forget sometimes we are not saving the debt crisis or world hunger here. We are talking about theme parks. A lot of passionate people post here. #firstworldproblems
    1 point
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