Wyncenuros really, come on, if it was going forever, maybe yes I could agree. However, it will only be for less than a month, while a brand new movie will take its spot. Because after all, they can't just swap it over for a new movie, they will have to change the pre-show area.
You are getting something new, you couldn't just keep replaying Journey forever, be thankful they going back again and spending the money to freshen up your experience, instead of seeing the same old thing every time!
I know you do praise things in the parks where you see it, and as much as I hate saying this cause it always spark some petty argument that annoys me. But this time it really does appear that you whinging about something for the sake of whinging! We don't even know what the movie is going to be on yet
In less than 1 month your wife will have a new attraction that she hasn't seen before, be thankful the park is investing in the Roxy Theatre specifically for people like your wife who can't do things like SE at the moment. At least wait until you've seen what the new offering is until you pass judgement.