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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/07/12 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, I had to join your community here at Parkz as I have been following this topic for a few months now as a guest and am really loving all of the back and forth. I am the lead designer of the Justice League: Alien Invasion 3D dark ride...! I'm the Senior Designer for Sally Corporation in Jacksonville, Florida. I was very impressed by some of you who guessed what the attraction would be early on...it was fun hearing everyone going back and forth with their ideas of what it could or should be (and still is fun!). Obviously I can't answer any questions or give you all any specific insight...I just wanted to poke my head in and say "Thanks!" for being fans of the project (and if your aren't a fan yet, hoping you will be once you ride the ride!). It is an amazing project, one of Sally's largest and most high profile to date. Hoping to see you all at the opening (specific date to be announced later)...if you see me, say "Hey"! -Rich Hill
    7 points
  2. I really don't know why people are quoting their ideas on what will happen as fact and then arguing with others that challenge them. The pretty release is vague at best and these assumptions people are making could be right or wrong.
    2 points
  3. What park was that? It looks good.
    1 point
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