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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/01/13 in all areas

  1. You don't mind your inconvenience being a revenue source? Well in that case why don't we evict people who have been waiting for the parade because someone else paid extra? Why not make it so people who paid extra get to eat food off your tray in the restaurant? Hell why not make it that a prerequisite of entry that you are connected to a ball and chain that you can pay a small fee to remove? I'm not against extra revenue sources at all. If they create an awesome place to watch the parade from then I don't care if they charge for it, because it's not taking anything away from my day. But that's not how this system works; these systems ARE taking away from my day. Here's what I'd be totally OK with: Run the rides for an extra hour at the end of the day and allow strictly limited numbers of Guests to buy a wristband where they can ride the ride with virtually no wait. The rides wouldn't have been open so I don't care. See the difference here? You don't mind your inconvenience being a revenue source? Well in that case why don't we evict people who have been waiting for the parade because someone else paid extra? Why not make it so people who paid extra get to eat food off your tray in the restaurant? Hell why not make it that a prerequisite of entry that you are connected to a ball and chain that you can pay a small fee to remove? I'm not against extra revenue sources at all. If they create an awesome place to watch the parade from then I don't care if they charge for it, because it's not taking anything away from my day. But that's not how this system works; these systems ARE taking away from my day. Here's what I'd be totally OK with: Run the rides for an extra hour at the end of the day and allow strictly limited numbers of Guests to buy a wristband where they can ride the ride with virtually no wait. The rides wouldn't have been open so I don't care. See the difference here?
    1 point
  2. I can't think of anything more repulsive then pay to cut systems. I haven't been to WnW this year because of the lack of dive in movies, and I feel as though Fast Track has validated that decision. To think that dive in movies finished in the same year that this system started shows the contempt which Village has for its customers, and probably signals the fastest decline in customer service in the history of the Gold Coast. I'm not saying that to be dramatic either. Sea World may have declined further a couple of years ago (and only now slowly on its' way back), but Wet 'n' Wild has declined much quicker this year. I don't respect someone else profiting by inconveniencing me. I don't care what other extra spending options they introduce, but if it has a negative impact on other guests than it's not something to introduce in a theme park, where the main product your selling is a good feeling.
    1 point
  3. Fast track is a terrible idea for 2 reasons. First, the whole concept of theme parks is that once you're in, everything is free. Second, why should someone jump a queue just because they have paid more? Totally unfair and very distressing for those who are patiently waiting their turn.
    1 point
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