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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/13 in all areas

  1. Hi, I'm reading your board a lot since some times, but had nothing to say until now. But cause you are talking about european rides, I could give you some informations maybe (I'm french, living in Belgium) : About that, please remember that Europe don't have your great and always hot weather that you have on Gold Coast (France is around 25°/30° in summer, and -10°/0° in winter) which explain a lot. But you are right : european doesn't like a lot to be wet in rides. For example our POTC have a lot of warning about the water, really can't be wet... but people are still complaining. Now that's said this is just a general point and there is of course exceptions. Like Valhalla (I was more wet in this ride than in Popeye), Tidal Wave, or some in Italia... The Raft Ride with a free fall, you are talking about, I believe you are thinking about River Quest at Phantasialand (Germany), and you have to know that in fact there is no free fall part. They never managed to have it working well and safe, so this part is just down. PS : sorry about my bad english, I'm currently trying to improve it.
    1 point
  2. Another gem: http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/602740_10151519513746177_1231579944_n.jpg
    1 point
  3. Anyone else see this vid of what happens when two rafts go down the funnel at once?
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Come on it looks like crap. To be honest it looks exactly the same as the shelter they built at AOS for me to park my boom lift under back of house. They've taken a classic dreamworld attraction and made it look like something temporary. I don't know how people in control could look at what the old attraction looked like and thing this is an acceptable recreation. God I even remember back in the day when they had actors on the course that would stag a fake arrest by the police during your course. It's just tacky and bland.
    1 point
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