Don't really care much if you call me an idiot, feel free to call me what you want, it's the internet... I see it as text on a screen telling me I'm something from someone I don't know
Also just to mention, I didn't use a direct dictionary definiton, I am fluent in German. It is in fact my native language along side Swiss-German as I was born in Switzerland. I do agree with you that in the German language one word can be used generally for a number of meanings, but in this case of a roller coaster, klein is not being used to indicate insignificant or standard. EVEN if it was, it would be the incorrect word to use, and I don't believe a German company is going to get their words mixed up...
While this may be a standard version, the word 'klein' on the container does not indicate standard, as there are other more suitable words for this (I can list some if you like). It is certainly just indication small. Maybe that means it is a smaller track section, that could be more fragile. Maybe the container size is smaller than usual meaning it's placement on board the container ship needs to be in a certain place. I have no idea! But I can tell you that klein, in this case, does certainly not indicate the 'standard version' of a rollercoaster.
Anyway, enough about shit that doesn't matter in the slightest....