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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/13 in all areas

  1. For those not following the running commentary on facebook, the site owner administrator has announced his intentions to form a 'historical society' which is essentially the co-operative mentioned earlier. The organisation will be legitimised on paper and have a much better 'formalised' standing within the community. So if you were hesitant chucking in a couple dollars to some unknown random, once established this society will be a formalised committee capable of issuing receipts and essentially legitimising the purpose of the donation. I don't think it gives them any 'tax deductible' status - you wouldn't be able to claim it or anything, but it would be a non-profit organisation, and a good cause. Once established, I fully intend on making a donation within my means to do so.
    1 point
  2. It's like a fight for the obvious....
    1 point
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