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  1. Only if they've got nothing better to do
    2 points
  2. Yes, they are all synchronised as well as you can. But the ideal dispatch time is a set of cars every 30 seconds or so, but with larger guests or guests that don't take bags off etc quickly it's very easy for the cars to stack up at the load platform. If cars start to back up around the corner from the unload platform onwards (so 8 cars or more 2x at load, 2x behind load, 2x at unload, 2x behind unload) a "must send" light starts flashing to alert the operator that cars are starting to stack up behind. This is why you may often see the attendants sending a set or 2 of empty cars every now and then to try and clear the backlog of cars as quickly as possible to prevent the ride from shutting down. Once cars start to back up from the ring of fire scene... that's when the ride really starts to become temperamental. If i'm not mistaken the ride system is set up to actually have two blocks between each car. Where the turntable is for example is actually 3 blocks, there is one on the turntable, one directly in front (or behind it depending how you look at it) and a 3rd one immediately after the drop. So you will also find that a car will not dispatch from the turntable until it is at least 2 sets of hairpin turns in front of it in general operation. Basically it will allow cars to have block zone gap but if they are starting to get too close to each other the brakes will apply to start to slow them down a little bit to try and keep 2 zones between the cars. However when the ride is backed up cars will stop in each zone 1 after the other so potentially you could have 6 cars just between the lift and turntable (3 on each zone). In short, with 14 cars on the track you could have cars backed all the way up from the load platform to 1 zone after the turntable within a matter of 2 - 3 minutes if there is a major delay at the load platform. If the delay for some reason is at the unload platform (such as a disabled guest) it is possible to have a backup all the way to the lift. This is why with a disabled guest (in a wheelchair) they send 3 cars in front of it empty (put them in the back car of the 2nd set) and then send another 2 empty behind it to try and prevent a backlog and keep cars moving. If anyone has any other operational questions please feel free to PM me as I don't wanna clog up the forum any more with operational information so that the thread stays on topic. Cheers
    1 point
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