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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/14 in all areas

  1. Being a Mobile DJ doesn't really count as being in the AV Industry. Anyway I rode Scooby a couple of times yesterday with no issues with them "hurting my eyes" the were as bright as any normal LED fixture including the ones used on Movie Worlds normal rig and I have never herd anyone complain about the lights at Fright Night, White Christmas or Carnivale hurting there eyes. The was minimal haze in one spot of the ride but there was no where near enough to set off any of the alarms in the building. The lasers are currently Multi coloured with a few Gobo's (Shapes) on them. There are four in total although I have herd that they are planning on installing more in the future. The LED strips are all back and some have been replaced.
    1 point
  2. A floorless B&M inverted, launched wooden suspended coaster.
    1 point
  3. This just in, vintage cars which are modelled after real cars can actually perform like a real car when not on a guide rail.
    1 point
  4. Wait wait wait... back up - Ifrit - do you seriously and honestly believe that they would take the few hazers they have in the scooby disco room out, thereby ruining one of it's better effects, so that they can fog up the park for Hallowe'en? They won't be needing to do that for almost 4 weeks... why remove them now? The smoke produced in the scooby disco room is thin and hazy across the entire room the smoke produced outdoors (where it has to contend with wind) is thick, dense and is released often, and with a lot of noise The few inside Scooby wouldn't be sufficient (firstly as they're probably the wrong type), to smoke up the entire park... so why go to the effort of removing equipment in a permanent installation, when you're still going to need to hire in more of them anyway? I don't believe tech services would cannibalise effects on permanent attractions for a month long series of night events (unless it was a last-minute replacement to ensure the show went on for that night before fixing the issue properly the next day).
    1 point
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