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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/15 in all areas

  1. For a little while now Parkz has had an upgraded photo uploading system. It's much more streamlined than the old one. To access it, firstsearch for a ride. Then click add photos. The box on the right will appear. Drop files onto it, or click on it to bring windows explorer etc. Even works on smartphones. Then just select one or multiple files and OK. They will begin to upload and tick off. Don't close the browser window. When they are all ticked this box will pop up, where you can add a title and a caption. Try to be factual, use proper English (Since this will be published), avoid over the top language or marketing talk. In the tag box you can type in ride names....use as many tags as you need. Once have scrolled through and said what you want to say, click the save changes button. And then you're done, and we'll approve your photos. Well, not everything makes the cut. They need to be of good resolution (I guess thats not much of a problem with modern cameras, but 1000px wide would be the absolute minimum. The only photos you should upload are ones you have taken personally, so no copypasting, stolen photos etc. Also, don't submit pics if we already have one similar (We don't need any more pics of the Wild West Falls mountain for example) Also, no family happy snaps, no selfies in front of rides etc. Some examples of photos we don't approve. Please, no Instagram filters etc. Just keep it normal. No crooked photos. Or anything else low quality (blurry, discoloured, noise, crappy camera etc) Straighten them in photoshop or whatever first, adjust the brightness, contrast, colour etc so it looks good. And a simple one, make sure you have them rotated properly. We have no way of fixing this for you. This was a great photo, but sadly we can't use it in this state. Protip: Sometimes you want to upload several photos of just a bunch of different rides at the park. In this case, access the photo upload system from a "Park" page rather than a "Ride Page" This means the only tag prefilled will be the park. Then for each ride, just type in the names of whatever rides are in the photo, In this case, the breakers, and typhoon. Remember, you can tag as many rides to a photo as you need. Useful for example for panoramic shots with several rides in view. You can also tag with more than one park. For example sometimes roller coasters pass through the water park next door, so you'd tag the park the roller coaster is home to, and the water park you can see around it. Use a bit of common sense with tagging, for example in this pic of Levaithan you can see a tiny bit of the Wild Beast wooden coaster on the right in the background. Probably not worth tagging Wild Beast because then people searching for that ride would end up finding a useless pic in their results. Also, you don't need to have a ride in a photo. If it's just a pic of some nice theming or whatever else in the park, just tag the park only, and leave it at that.
    1 point
  2. MI2 will launch late Sept/early October 2015 latest. Plans look really good currently. work starts on ground early April.
    1 point
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