Wow, this has been such a great topic. I have sorely missed the Eureka Mine Ride as soon as I heard they had permanently closed it and every time I go to Dreamworld I always look at it and remember how awesome it was. Whoever tooks those pictures of inside the ride is an absolute boss, it's so crazy to see the skeleton and the trapped miner again after all these years, and lit up too. I hated how they added stuff to the mountain in the later years in an effort to make the ride fully undecover. The foam/fibreglass stuff looks horrible compared to the original concrete-rendered mountain... At least I think it's concrete rendered. When you touch or bang the old stuff with your hand it feels solid but when you do the same to the new stuff it feels hollow and makes a sound. The new stuff looked too fake to me as well and the colour was too bright for it to look realisitc. One thing I should mention, on one of my last ever rides on Eureka, I remember on the home stretch I had my hands up and I had scraped the newly-added mountain facade with my fingertips. Needless to say I was a bit shocked that happened so maybe when it comes to getting the ride back up to scratch with modern safety regulations, there will have to be a lot of leeway between the ridecar and the mountain facade or prevent people from being able to stick their hands out I guess.