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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/05/15 in all areas

  1. Don't forget the poor man's Wild West Falls from Madrid; Rio Bravo
    1 point
  2. Possibly a closer one is senzafiato at Miragica in Italy, which is basically a minature version of Supermans layout: http://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/pimages/Miragica/Senzafiato/miragica_012.jpg
    1 point
  3. How completely underwhelming. I mean sure it has its market, but it isn't likely a revisit attraction
    1 point
  4. Or we could just send Andrewh on a field trip to Movieworld? (Sorry dude, couldn't resist )
    1 point
  5. I think we need someone with a particularly long selfie stick to go and have a gander.
    1 point
  6. *spins wheel again*
    1 point
  7. Morning Brrrr, in the words of John Snow, "winter is cumin" in fact, it feels like it arrived last weekend! Quick update for you. piling on site is 90% complete. Steel is in Fremantle port. Glass arrives around 23rd June on sight. Theming works commence off shore this week. logo development well underway (yes, it has a name other than MI2!) Marketing creative also well under way. Its a monster! (literally). In other news, more shade, cabanas, upgrades to park aesthetics and music quality will ensue over the coming months. A lot of the feedback picked up here from various visits has been incorporated into our winter upgrade plans so thanks to everyone for your input. I believe Today tonight will run a story on the development of "the monster" as they did with Abyss although this is not confirmed. AW has also just yesterday been awarded the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence for the first time which of course the team here are very happy about! Catch up in a few weeks time. Mark
    1 point
  8. If MW did add a resort, I believe they would have to have some sort of Downtown Disney/CityWalk esque attraction, similar to the Warner Village Precint proposed by Wyatt Design Group ( If I was travelling, staying next to a park would be enticing but I feel you would need something else to do. In MW case, you've got all WnW, AOS, Paradise Country, and that's where it ends. Some sort of precinct linking all these attractions would not only take out some of the need for transportation between parks but would also give the guests another incentive to stay at Oxenford, rather than on the Broadwater
    1 point
  9. I don't know if this has been discuses else where but there is something going on over at the back of the car park at Movie World. The grass area is fenced off and has a site office, the garden bed that runs the entire of the back of the car park and the exit road had orange bollards and there is a LED message boars at the entrance and at that garden bed. Thoughts?
    1 point
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