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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/06/15 in all areas

  1. I'd like to see minimal, and very restricted use of 'out over the harbour' elements, to get around the heritage elements that cannot be touched. Maloneys should be used, but it should be used in such a way so as to ensure travelling attractions (like Extreme Speed Machine and other large temporary rides) can still fit through - under a top hat element for example. The ride should also SKIRT the boundary as much as possible, so that other rides can still operate inside of it - like Scenic Railway at LPM that runs the park boundary. Make it modern, but THEME it old school... like California Screamin fits the seaside pier woodie theme despite being steel...
    2 points
  2. Just received the following email: Considering the subject line was 'important news about future of fun' and the first line is 'make you aware of some changes' i think it's pretty shitty to then say they're closing it down. They could have just said that from the beginning... Also, this was the closest thing we had to having a park representative on these forums. It was a chance to hear the ideas the park had, and give them our views. Presumably they've decided it's not worth continuing, or because too many people divulge the secret proposals they put out to FoF members. Either way, I think this is a poor decision, although considering they hadn't used it much recently, it was probably for the best... It's a shame that they've put so much effort into building such a community, only to throw it away a year or two later...
    1 point
  3. My second response was mainly to explain why they couldn't just shoot the support poles through the venue, as it didn't seem like you understood it's purpose, as you restated that suggestion in your reply to my first response. And I really don't feel like you understand my point - because you're still arguing for BigTop's removal, or to dramatically impede it's abilities by shooting support poles through it. Also - You say BigTop wouldn't bring you back to the park, despite it (in your own words) bringing you back to the park "on many occasions over the past 11 years". I get your complaint about real estate - but the simple fact is that it is an income producing asset that is worth far more to the park than a coaster... and here's why... The venue can accommodate from 1680 up to 2950 patrons, charging anywhere from $13 up to $500 a ticket (based on current schedule). So gross take from the venue is potentially $21,000 to $1,475,000. It is more reasonably going to be somewhere in the middle of that. Naturally the promoter is going to take a fair whack of that, but clearly it can make money for it to have events there. Looking at the calendar, on average major events have a two day downtime in between - so one day bump out, and one day bump in is all they need between most events. With quick turnaround - they can have at least 3 events a week. I can only speculate as to the actual venue hire fee, and it likely differs depending on the kind of event (For example - Hi-5 probably doesn't need extra security... but MMA night fighting probably does), but even if we say it's an average of $10,000 per event - thats still $30,000 each week, or $1.5m per year. (Multi day events would of course increase the revenue). Considering the park sells unlimited ride passes for around $45 per day or $99 for an annual pass - they would need to sell almost 16,000 annual passes to make similar revenue... Now sure - they'd probably do that in the first year after launching such a great blockbuster rollercoaster that will remain the park's most popular attraction for many years to come... but for how many years can they continue to rely on the roller coaster to bring in 16000 extra passes? Nowhere near as long as BigTop can continue to bring in that sort of revenue. When you consider that Big Top's 3-per-week events would easily bring in over 350,000 people annually of varied and wide demographics... i know where my efforts are going... s a business decision... as a financial decision - Big Top makes far more sense than demolishing it in place of a coaster...and (most importantly) - they NEED to make good business decisions and good financial decisions in order for them to be able to continue to bring new rides to the park - the very thing you are advocating for. LPS will get one chance to build a big, quality coaster. Once it's there, there is no more room to build another one. So for them to get the same value out of a new ride, they'll have to remove the old one. LPS also DOES have a coaster... but beyond and above all of that - Jobe's suggestions at the start of this thread suggested realistic options. I put it to you that for the reasons stated above, removing, or altering Big Top to accommodate a coaster is not realistic.
    1 point
  4. Maybe Dreamworld had to borrow it for some theming on the log ride for a little while.
    1 point
  5. I loved it, and got two free VIP passes out of it along the way. I would've loved to have participated in the focus groups however at the time wasn't of age so missed out. Would love to know the Wild ideas if it were allowable.
    1 point
  6. Razza - you asked why they keep building Waterparks. Gazza has given a very obvious and simple answer. You've stated a personal dislike for them because of your own experiences. Gazza asked a follow up question - you've defended your view, and accepted that others like them, but you don't. Gazza quite legitimately questions why you would ask why they keep building them, and you accuse him of being rude and sarcastic. I think he's been quite reasonable. You're complaining about the construction of something you disagree with personally, whilst also stating you're entitled to your opinion, yet the vast majority of people here would be in favour of the construction - but they aren't entitled to theirs? Waterparks are built because people like them. Water parks are built because they are cheap to build. Water parks are built because they are cheap to run.
    1 point
  7. Thrillseeker. It has now been trailerised and is Australia's largest mobile coaster called the Taipan. Now getting back to B&M's.......
    1 point
  8. Is "Velikoluksky Meat-Packing Plant" the sponsor perhaps? I always snickered at Rita Queen of Speed (now changed) at Alton Towers, she sounds like the local meth dealer, or a right tart if you're riding her. That goes for all coasters with a girls name "I'm riding" Rita, Regina...
    1 point
  9. Hi everyone, just thought I'd officially update happenings here at Jamberoo Action Park, NSW's favourite water theme park. As known we've completed Stage 1 of the 4 stage master-plan known as Kangaroo Island. This staged development will, once fully realised, incorporate 7/8 world class rides and attractions with a capacity to accommodate between 4500-5000 persons an hour. When fully completed the Kangaroo Island section of the park will have cost us around $60M, with stage 1 costing us $15M in 2012. We are still very committed to realising the entire project in the coming years and look forward to offering the NSW water theme park going public with some of the best world class rides available at that time. So to wet any appetite we are announcing here, for the first time, some really exciting news... Stage 2 of the Master-plan, incorporating 2 new world class rides and attractions, is well progressed in both design and development AND because new ride technologies available we will be NOT be incorporating a Behemoth Bowl BUT will be building a whole new ride to rival FUNNEL WEB, that will be more exhilarating ride experience, as well slightly longer in ride time... I cant say much more at this time however, I've seen the new "Top Secret" ride design and believe me it is going to be amazing! There is no firm date on commencement of construction of stage 2 at this time. Cheers for now, Sammy
    1 point
  10. At the top of the lift it's 'Get down, it's ganna blow!' followed by an explosion sound and strobe. Wild West is 'Get out, she's ganna blow, out now I tells ya' Eureka's was much slower and deliberate, where as the Wild West one is more frantic and has the hillbillies accent. That concludeds today's episode of 'Things Joz remembers that no self respecting adult should'
    1 point
  11. Oh my god for the sanity of us all. USE PUNCTUATION!
    1 point
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