I think OG is using the word 'replacement' in the same way that we say Junior Driving School replaced LTRR. It occupies the same landspace (in part) as the space that was previously for the former attraction. in that sense - COTD is what replaced Wild in terms of that space... and just like JDS - isn't really up to the standard of the former attraction (or planned attraction) and wasn't a direct replacement... but I do agree jungle animals in an ocean themed park wasn't the best of ideas. Dinosaur Island - although many 'expected it' to be gone in 12 months (June'12 - June'13) it did in fact stay in the park until June'14 - or two years. COTD was always intended to be temporary, but longer term than Dinosaur Island (based on FoF information) - so i think it's safe to assume COTD will be around longer than 2 years (and the discovery trail, ranger and collector cards is a great idea to keep it 'current')... all SW needs to do to refresh it is release a 'new set' of cards, and suddenly it's a whole new attraction for card collectors again... Anyone who is unaware of the impact these card collections can have needs to visit Woolworths and Coles facebook pages when they've got those items on a promo. People go NUTSO SKITSO for them. I've seen a BOX of Jamie's Garden cards sell for $150... for something people get FOR FREE \ With Purchase. Sea World are GIVING THESE AWAY (and giving you even more when you spend $20 in an outlet). Finally the Marketing Mystery Wheel has landed on a good idea....