Thankyou for your application to create a new thread. Unfortunately your chosen topic was created 14 months ago: It was also commented on less than 15 minutes before you created this thread. The CEO of Adventure World - Mark Shaw - has also been commenting in that thread. But - you already knew that didn't you? We regret to inform you that in this occasion, your application has been unsuccessful. In future - to improve your chances - we recommend a quick scan of the site to determine whether we've actually known about it longer than you have *(usually we have). Further, if its the day the park is announcing it in an exclusive broadcast with a major media outlet (Perth - Today Tonight, Channel 7), chances are we've already studied nearmap, determined the placement of the footers, suggested, and shot down hundreds of different theories on what it could be, and - usually with the help of some inside knowledge - all but determined what it will be prior to the announcement. Thanks for playing!