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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/15 in all areas

  1. There's 0 reason to even walk past it unless you're seeking it out is there? People just seem think that every Muslim must be a big bad evil terrorist. IMO regardless of what room is there, that section of buildings/fair games should be demolished for a new ride.
    4 points
  2. Doesn't seem so much for it being Muslims only but for its existence in general. Apparently a FB group called "Reclaim Australia" has only just decided to shed light on it after a decade of it being in the park. Now its members are kicking up a stink over it and being encouraged to flood Movieworld's FB wall with opposal/complaints.
    4 points
  3. Also, yay! In the email that's come around yesterday from MW asking guests to complete a survey on FN, they've included one of my photos
    3 points
  4. Do I think it should be there? Not particularly. Does it bother me or effect my trip to the park - not in the slightest. Id rather they get rid of the Vacation Club people (though at least there is some sort of financial gain by having them).
    2 points
  5. Great find Iwerks. Yep that was the much lamented Chipmunk. It was moved to the US to a small park where it was renamed Treetop Racers. it wss was scrapped only very recently. Goode memories.
    1 point
  6. On all day yesterday and pressure cleaning of the concrete exit path and station was happening.
    1 point
  7. Went to Dreamworld today and sore at least 1 test dummy in the station. 1 better then none.
    1 point
  8. Chipmunk reference and footage! ABC's retrospective on Perth's Royal Show. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-09-26/now-and-then---a-peek-into-perth-news-archives/6806610
    1 point
  9. Yeah, Funfields should get a Gerstlauer coaster and Adventure World should get a Proslide waterslide and they will be exactly the same once again.
    1 point
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