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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/12/15 in all areas

  1. not sure which "on is the funniest.. is it the "Upwards Sitting Pit"? or the "Old Wind Machine"? hmmm ?
    4 points
  2. Also, seriously, how old are you? This is one sentence.
    3 points
  3. So ridden Sidewinder tonight for the first time and it is overall a better experience, still a bit of head banging on the vest, bashing into that hurts! The hallway bit that vibrates when the car revs up was kinda stupid but still way better than cyclone. 7/10
    2 points
  4. That page isn't a hot lap; it's a hot mess. In regards to the photographs, that's just dispicable. If you used them, you should've at bare minimum asked first. A simple sentence could stop a lot of people being annoyed Edgar Allen Poe, William Shakespeare, and Charles Dickens don't hold a candle to the literary genius that is Totta
    2 points
  5. How did it really take you 2.5 hours to edit that? Also, could you stop with the bullshit and just say "hey guys, I edited the page with new info".
    2 points
  6. Yes, sorry I forgot to mention that haha. That's why I was so intrigued about the DJ I remember riding Tatsu and I think that had a vest harness on it? Obviously a totally different ride, but I remember it being quite comfortable actually. ? Are these kind of in a way similar to the new trains?
    1 point
  7. Totta needs to go to the Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good, since that edit is just appalling.
    1 point
  8. Wtf... that was seriously posted on the Wikipedia page? My head hurts reading it. Wikipedia is intended to be a source of education, not a place for posting random and throwaway personal descriptions or opinions of any sort. Don't even get me started on the blatant lack of spelling, grammar and punctuation in that paragraph. In future I strongly suggest leaving it to the Wiki experts.
    1 point
  9. Very true! I also get $50 an hour aswell, so it is great money! It's just what people don't see is where all the hard work comes in.
    1 point
  10. Hi everyone. Yes, I am a little busy and sorry I haven't chatted for a while. Hopefully everyone had a great xmas. Kraken is extremely popular at the moment and we are doing as much as we can to keep throughput high, provide water for guests and deal with any outstanding shade issues. Today we added three additional pop up shade tents to address any gaps in the queue race. these are temporary as we will be getting some themed ones installed around end of January. The netting on the hill has reduced the heat on the feet by about 40% (I personally tested it!). We changed the DK costumes to add some "awkward" clothes (Dragons aren't really very good at dressing themselves!) to make them seem more friendly and human like. the show is far more interactive and the kids are responding well. Bumper crowds today, came very close to actually stopping ticket sales but then quite a few season pass holders left and we didn't quite hit capacity. The team did well with the snake incident. We do provide them with Govt approved snake capture and relocation training. Trading s way up on last year. Over 30% up. I cannot give exact numbers but bodes well for the future. Need more car parking! Talk soon. Mark
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. These days, World Best can be defined many different ways. It can just be a good marketing angle, or it can be something really special. You don't need to blow your wad for something to be world best. Kraken is a perfect example - take a standard attraction model, and stretch it further than anyone else ever has - and you have longest, tallest, fastest all wrapped up. I would like to see VRTP drop a bundle on something really special, but MW has long craved an assortment of well themed flats to round out the park, and in my experience, most movie parks don't do this, as flats are not the best to theme to the movie experience and most people are looking for just that - the movie experience. Even USH and USS are mostly E-ticket attractions, supported by less than a handful of smaller flats. Although this opinion is likely unpopular - i'd like to see them go with several well done flats to thicken the parks lineup - TailSpin is a good example of the kind of thing they should be looking for (although i'm not suggesting they buy an Air Race - two parks with near identical attractions would be just a waste). Whilst it's definitely possible that this new attraction will be a flat, i'm confident we'll see a blockbuster... the park is well overdue, and it needs something else to pull people back after the publicity that GL received. I only hope that whatever it is - its a capacity monster. The park cannot suffer another addition without greatly improving either its capacity or its operations.
    1 point
  13. Hi Iwerks, if I'd know it was you, I'd have said hello. Perhaps us Perthians can arrange a day in the summer to meet up and talk parks & ideas.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
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