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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/01/16 in all areas

  1. No way would that keep Push happy. Even if you stuck it in the biggest ass shed. Even if it was so dark that you couldn’t see your own hand. Push would not be happy. Push would say “I wish it didn’t go so fast”, I wish I had smellavision”, “I wish it wasn’t so high” and I wish it didn’t have hills”.
    5 points
  2. Maybe if we get some petitions and start picketing at the gate they'll put the rollercoaster in the dark to keep Push happy..
    2 points
  3. The point @pushbutton made was clearly that Bermuda Triangle's pre-show contributed to the attraction as a whole better than the others. It wasn't the most sophisticated, but I'd absolutely agree.
    1 point
  4. I thought the pre show in Roxy theatre used to be quite good when they had the screens in each corner of the room and the little puppets that popped out. Now it's a waste of time and you may as well just go straight through to the cinema. Best pre show I've seen in the Gold Coast was on Bermuda Triangle though. Really wasan important part of the whole experience.
    1 point
  5. First time poster long time reader here. Was doing my weekly theme park stalk and somehow ended up on a site that sells carnival/theme park rides (New and used). Clicked on one and to my surprise found the Tango train from Luna park for sale on the site! Has anyone seen this before? I had read that something was going to happen with the tango train but thouht it was interesting to have it for sale (link below). http://www.rides4u.com/view/3045
    1 point
  6. FOR THE LAST BLEEDING TIME IT IS NOT A BLOODY DARK RIDE. WE HAVE CONFIRMATION IT IS A ROLLER COASTER. You're not getting a bloody dark ride, and even if you were, you cannot expect to hold MW to the same standard as Universal given the budgets involved.
    1 point
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