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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/01/16 in all areas

  1. I was about to correct you Inverted, but all good. There are some gas (LPG) locos around so the idea has merit. I did some filming to capture the moment on Tuesday, so please excuse the crudeness.
    3 points
  2. Indeed. Some steam trains are wood burners and others burn oil for their fuel.
    1 point
  3. Thanks for the clarification and expertise @T-bone; I fixed the article accordingly. Trains aren't something I know a huge amount about so I hope I did it justice...
    1 point
  4. ^It's a fantastic attraction, I was so pleasantly surprised. As far as capacity goes, they might need to tweak that unless they don't mind serious waits. Perhaps have a group in the first room while another group is going through, and see if they can squeeze six into a group, or at least to make an effort get five in a group. Last time I was there, if there was 3 in a group they didn't bother trying to find a pair (they only did this if there was 2 on their own going in). This is a great example of a small addition that can add enormous value to the experience at the park.
    1 point
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