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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/16 in all areas

  1. The Sunlander train was in fact worked by steam locomotives between Innisfail and Cairns in the early days. The other "Lander trains, Inlander, Midlander, Westlander were all worked by steam until quite late in the piece. In mid-1960s the Midlander was worked by diesel to Emerald then a succession of Beyer Garratt, C17 and AC16 engines to its terminus at Winton.
    2 points
  2. I'm hoping they keep renovating the park and reopen eureka this year would love them to come up with a new stunt show concept and rebuild captain Sturt but that's just me being nostalgic the park was never the same after they let the place go and pulled most of the classic attractions like the steam trains and captain Sturt ceased having the bush ranger show its good that they ardent leisure have woken up to the fact that dreamworld was designed (by ex Disney designers BTW) as a THEMEpark not an amusement park
    1 point
  3. @Themeparkfan It is in a different area Really wonder why you think coaster parts/footings should be visible. I'm fairly certain to cope with the expansive space that would be required for rollercoaster track pieces a just-in-time approach is utilised so pretty much as soon as pieces arrive, they are put in place.
    1 point
  4. I personally think Green Lantern was a good replacement for the empty spot of land.
    1 point
  5. I believe I'd already decided it was going to be a churro wagon, thank you. So that plus the track, I think it's safe to say "ChurroChase" confirmed.
    1 point
  6. Maybe they're extending the prayer room to troll all the idiots on facebook...
    1 point
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