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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/16 in all areas

  1. Is this a discussion thread about Seaworld maintenance or just a thread to tear apart every "pushbutton" post and criticize his OWN opinion. You guys seem to have made a sport out of harassing him in his posts and belittling his every opinion. How about you guys get out into the parks and get some photos and throw up some ideas about whats going on in the parks like he does? Pushbutton is just adding his own ideas and likes about the parks.So many of you guys are just trolls who offer nothing interesting to this place half the time. Its not about thick skin, just don't harass people. Its a theme park forum. No one needs "think skin" here. Ive been here for years but rarely post as I just like to read posts. Honestly id probably post more if some proper discussion went on and not nonstop trashing of peoples own opinions which are just as valid as your own by the way. I say either get this thread back on track or lock it. Its about Seaworld discussion not trashing people interests that arent the same as yours.
    9 points
  2. You all know we try to be hands-off and give everyone the freedom and responsibility of adults. We will delete posts that we feel cross the line into antisocial, but by and large we let things run their course and won't step in just because someone cops flak for sharing a minority opinion. If anyone has further concerns by all means bring it up in the Site Issues forum or message me, but at this point we should probably steer this conversation back to Sea World...
    6 points
  3. Newest demo and boot hill pictures thanks to TPSN. Only a matter of time to see if the facades hard against the Show Stage will also be going?
    5 points
  4. It's always like this... If your opinion varies to theirs they like to hark on about it and cram it down your throat every possibility... HOWEVER!!! Get it right and they happily converse and get excited with you and so on... It is a two way street... It has though pushed me back into more lurking than posting especially when almost everything certain people post I agree almost 100% with... Just can't be bothered with it and have better ways to spend my time!!!
    4 points
  5. Just taken. All buildings to the left of the walkway alongside the Scooby building now gone Land is quickly being cleared Different angle
    3 points
  6. I wonder if anyone tried to enter him while he was closed.
    3 points
  7. I'd say the definition of troll is more-so someone who lurks around not doing much then decides to go ape shit one day over nothing.. If Push is seriously offended that we occasionally take the piss out of his love of walkthroughs and novelty transportation methods then he should say it himself. He is not a damsel in distress. this is a light hearted and social platform in my opinion, if the mods decide they only want serious content then so be it, but I've not heard that previously. I don't believe anyone at any stage has attacked Push or his character in a harsh or inappropriate way
    3 points
  8. These pictures just remind me of the devastation we saw at Wonderland post closure...
    1 point
  9. Keep your opinions coming, Push. Always great to hear what you have to say. The monorail is certainly a good crowd soaker, with a pretty high capacity. For me it's worth a trip in the afternoon, when your legs get too tired or it's too hot out. I think it'd be great if SW also had sometime of boat ride, even if it was just across the main lake.
    1 point
  10. Given DC is only just beginning their cinematic universe of films, it will only become more & more popular. I'd happily see another DC ride open on the old Lethal forecourt or if they went ahead with Doomsday in the SE footprint. I don't think however, they should be putting a DC property in this newly cleared area. A new themed area would be ideal
    1 point
  11. So let me get this straight, basically the offer is 'Pay normal price to go to AOS, and get 4 month theme park access for free', and people are like 'Nah that's not a good deal'.
    1 point
  12. You need a thicker skin Push. if you can't take some criticism or comments made in jest you should avoid the Internet all together
    1 point
  13. more pictures, Dreamworld said to someone who was questioning them on Facebook what was happening.. Dreamworld denied the rumour that TTPSN made, so once again TTSPN is making shit up to get traffic to their page.. UPDATE, just got information coming in from an employee that I spoke to... Zombie Evilution is now permanently closed its due to replaced by a Tiger Island expansion for the April Holidays
    1 point
  14. Pity that temporary fencing isn't around eureka.
    1 point
  15. V8 supercars themed lazer shooting game zone with turbines.
    1 point
  16. I personally think Green Lantern was a good replacement for the empty spot of land.
    1 point
  17. To all the members who are interested in Manly Fun Pier - come and join my Lost Manly Facebook group as we've got a ton of pics and posts about it and lots of memories from us locals who grew up in Manly and share your wonderful memories and stories too .....https://www.facebook.com/groups/LostManly/
    1 point
  18. My parents took me there in the 70's. Yes there was a shark tank and from memory it had some fairly large beasts in there. The rides were rough and ready but were absolutely great fun. I can remember playing my first ever arcade game there which was the first version of Space Invaders. Fond memories!!!
    1 point
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