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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/04/16 in all areas

  1. There's this forever memorable signature sound of this screeching sound it made as it took the turn after the loops followed by the rattle of the catwalks.
    3 points
  2. Tonight was amazing!!!! I attended with my kids, my sister & her bf, and a work friend. Entered the park around 5.30pm, only had to wait about 10 minutes to pick up tickets, which was great. We all had such a fantastic time, absolutely loved the parade and managed to fit a couple of rides in as well. I had a soft shelled crab baguette which was really good ? My only complaint was that the lines for most of the stalls were pretty long. Originally I was gonna go for wedges or a slice of pizza, but then saw their lengthy queues and decided against it lol. Didn't have to wait long to buy a coke though, practically walked right up to the cart for that. My daughter was very happy to have gotten front row for Matt & Jess's performance later in the evening. She got a hi-5 from Jess as she walked off the stage, and has been buzzing about it ever since lol. Very impressed, was a great first experience and am considering going back again before the end of season. Would still like to see Samantha Jade perform lol ?? Well done from us, Movieworld ???
    1 point
  3. can't remember what the prices were for the food last year, I think it was $14 for a slice of Pizza? I could be wrong there, it could have been 7, and you don't have to queue up that long for food as well, Congrats for winning the contest just make sure your kids don't go digging while you are eating tonight..
    1 point
  4. Have to agree the squeal of the train navigating the course is one thing you never forget about Thunderbolt.
    1 point
  5. Theming starting to crop up in the new area backing onto the existing amenities block
    1 point
  6. But the rest of the park needs some new attractions too. Refurb and refresh is fine, but it's still just the same old ride you've been going on since you were 7. they need some new drawcards in other areas to spread the love.
    1 point
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