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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/04/16 in all areas

  1. Just saw this on one of my co workers fb feeds... Nice to see some people have some common sense...
    6 points
  2. Channel 7 just confirmed the log ride is open again, and then called it a roller coaster. Well done channel 7
    4 points
  3. My full thoughts plus lots more photos are now live: http://ourworlds.co/carnivale-2016-review/ - I think i've already fleshed out my thoughts here, but, bacon. You should eat it. You know? Here's some more shots. Let me know your thoughts!
    1 point
  4. Plus this park currently under construction:
    1 point
  5. Got my free ride for Sunday afternoon. Might even venture into Wet n Wild for the first time in the morning and take advantage of the cheaper entry fee.
    1 point
  6. Who really cares who the lead role is. As long as the movie itself isn't shit I don't really give a damn who they cast.
    1 point
  7. I think Sony dabbles a lot with creative bodies because they started out making video bodies, and then purchased a ready made mount system for still shots, so they're doing what they always do - putting their history and tech into the still bodies the same way they always have. Canon on the other hand doesn't have the video background, theirs have always been still. Yes, their bodies are more and more able to be used as a cinematic camera, but you can't fault them for being behind sony in that regard. I dislike Sony predominantly because they adapted the konica minolta mount primarily as an 'in' to the industry. They snapped it up right as KM fell off the wagon, so all of the previous KM users went to Sony because their lenses fit. Problem is - all the KM lenses were film ratio, so for the first (almost) decade of the Alpha mount system's life, most enthusiasts got suckered into buying it to keep their lenses, but the lenses were never meant to be used on a digital sensor, so the aberrations were terrible. Canon developed EF-S when they released digital SLRs, so their glass grew with it. Alpha lenses had some catching up to do, although they have now achieved it, I still despise them as a photographic company. (When it comes to audio and video however they are exceptional. I still to this day use Sony Vegas - although that too was an aquisition of another company's tech when it folded)
    1 point
  8. Thunderbolt area had plans for WhiteWater World expansion approved so that's the only thing I want to see done there. There is heaps of other room around the former Blue Lagoon area that would suit a new coaster.
    1 point
  9. Hah! Yep that's me alright. Signature slicked hair and all. Next time don't be a stranger and come say g'day! I'm currently a Canon full frame guy, but thinking of jumping ship to Sony. My best advice? Find a camera that you're happy to lug around all the time. A small mirrorless camera you're happy to keep in your hand that you can point and shoot at a moment's notice is better then a big heavy camera that's so painful to yield you end up leaving in a bag until you begrudgingly use because you feel so guilty (been, there done that). Basically, the best camera is the one you have with you. I'm also currently toying with a Sony RX100 Mark IV for shits and gigs, and I will say it's the most impressive "tiny camera" you can buy on the market, hands down. How did you know, though? Bingo. It had spot on umami, with a real kick at the end. For those worried about price, i'd either go the sampler pack or the seafood boil. I'll be surprised if anyone comes away from the boil hungry or feeling like they missed out, it's worth the price. While i'm here, i've thrown up some of the photos up on OurWorlds while I continue to sift through footage. It's worth a quick 30 seconds I think: http://ourworlds.co/carnivale-2016-sneak-peek/ Btw, @joz - the first photo shows how they were serving it. It was kind of weird but worked really well.
    1 point
  10. Not sure why you posted that here... Only saw Seafm and news.com.au reporting that it was being shut down for good... Don't remember seeing anyone here in the forums believing it... If anything quite the opposite with everyone calling out the media for their usual over hype bs reporting...
    0 points
  11. DW still do the same thing today with all of its rides that aren't in Ocean Parade or Dreamworks land with the exception of Cyclone. Buzzsaw?
    -1 points
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