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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/04/16 in all areas

  1. ^Says who? I'm not a fan of people who think all theme parks should be on the GC. I just look at the wonderful things Mark has done at Adventure World and think that every capital city in Australia should have this. Hats off to anyone willing to stick their necks out for even the possibility of a park.
    2 points
  2. I don't know how often you visited Wonderland but as a local I was a frequent visitor from it's first year of operations purchasing an annual pass every year. I would never have called it an underwhelming park & believe me, I have seen many around the world to compare it too. It was without doubt the best theme park NSW has ever seen IMHO & hardly underwhelming in any way at all.
    1 point
  3. Why would you want it to go away? There seems to be a lot of haters here against this guy and what he is doing, I'm not sure why. Being a theme park forum I would have thought this would have been welcome news for most fans. Anyway on a positive note I like how they're planning to have sections of the park dedicated to the old theme park. 'Some of the areas of the park are styled to themes that were once found in the original Wonderland theme park, including Transylvania, Botany Bay and the Gold Rush Country'
    1 point
  4. 0 points
  5. I'm all for it. Good luck to them. Maybe they'll read some of our suggestions and come up with a dream park.
    -1 points
  6. It might also be the mix of retail and theme park that makes it work. How much land they have and proximity to the population would also be factors.
    -1 points
  7. @rac2703 was obviously mistaken, as both Spotty and I attended Dreamworld on Sunday, not Anzac Monday. And yeah, as others have said, that wasn't a public holiday, nor were the other parks closed. It was just a very busy day in general. I'm sure the other parks would have been the same (if not worse) on that day, I know Movieworld's car park looked pretty full when we drove past on the way to DW. I guess that's to be expected when it's both a long weekend and the end of the school holiday period for other states.
    -1 points
  8. Don't you mean it was a lot more 'creative'? "Back in my day" for me wasn't that long ago. I'm only 27, but when I was growing up you had to be more imaginative with Lego. You want a spaceship? Here's some square and rectangular blocks, make what you can and imagine the rest. These days it's "put part A in part B - congratulations, you built a rocket". (Obviously not that simple but you get my point). It's the same as video games - I grew up with Doom. A reasonably open map FPS where you had to find your own way around. Now you've got COD which is more of an interactive story rather than a video game. I understand that Lego had to evolve, and don't get me wrong, I love what they've been able to make these days and I love building things. (Although I still have a Pikachu Nanoblock thing I still need to put together) but I just can't help but miss the original Lego that taught kids to be more imaginative.
    -1 points
  9. Sorry Skeet - I know they've left Eureka SBNO (thats a Macquarie legacy though), and Skylink has remnants left over - but skylink chairs and cables were dismantled, reef diver was dismantled and removed, as was the sturt, when they switched to a diesel tractor, they shipped one of their locos off to woodford. They don't have a stellar record, but they hardly 'don't spend a cent'...
    -1 points
  10. Of course a ride was removed if a new ride was built. They very hardly don't spend a cent. The boat being removed without being replaced. "Watch this Space" It’s a bit more than just remnants for the Skylink I say. Try 95% of the operating ride remains. It's more like they just took the train of the roller coaster track but left the ride behind. Look through the fence near the rapids at the loading station. Everything remains. Skeet would even goes as far to say it would be easier to recommission the Skylink then Eureka. If you read everything that skeet said and mash it together a bit you will always get a better understating then pulling one sentence apart.
    -1 points
  11. Yes but it's easier to just not bother to read it and ask someone else
    -1 points
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