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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/08/16 in all areas

  1. With a Wazzup Ghostface walking around?
    2 points
  2. We defintely have a 7 year plan, the rest is possibles but without order of priority yet.
    2 points
  3. They now flip the log and you go down the final drop upside down.
    2 points
  4. Just as a further update to the Ranger status at LPS. I contacted Brad Loxley, the Senior Amusement Park Manager and he was kind enough to answer some questions regarding the fate of the ride. He was also kind enough to allow the use of his replies in these forums. He was very receptive to my questions and seems like a genuinely nice guy who is very passionate about Luna Park and its heritage and history. He is certainly aware of the Parkz forums and intimated that he and his team keep tab on the posts in the forum. Whilst there is nothing earth shattering in terms of the information contained in his answers, it certainly leaves me with great confidence that park is in extremely good hands, and that they also have a strategic plan and vision for the parks future. I thought you guys would be interested in reading his response and he was happy to let me share. Its great to make this official connection with the park and I look forward to further correspondence with Brad regarding the future happenings at LPS. And i think that this post is a great way to bring up 1000 posts, even though it has taken me 13 years to tally this up!! ( For the record I have been a member since 27th January 2003.)
    2 points
  5. Superman opening date has been pulled forward. If you look at the photos REALLY closely, You may see they did some slight work on the gardens.
    1 point
  6. What if they did they did the scary movie franchise?
    1 point
  7. Did he just... Did he? I think he did...
    1 point
  8. Still, a few thousand bucks and you've got yourself a pretty awesome advertisement to sell annual passes etc. Probably should have put it on a bit earlier, but better late than never....
    1 point
  9. WTF Happened here!!!! The stand was a seasonal food outlet. Usually only ran from September to end of January.
    1 point
  10. They could turn MDMC into a horse racing ride. I've ridden a horse 2 times and both times I just wanted to get off.
    1 point
  11. NO! Actually I was trying to find the actual 100,000th post but they're not numbered like they used to be. I can however now see that your post was 128,063 Actually, this was post 100,000. Any what a worthwhile post it was
    1 point
  12. Spooky is waking up with my 4 yo son 2 inches from my face saying good morning daddy... Horror is waking up next to my wife...
    1 point
  13. What if we're all wrong and ardent is buying Wanda?!
    -1 points
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