I'm disappointed at the loss of the old mouse. It definitely should have stayed. For whatever reason, the park decided it had to go, so it did. That part we can all agree on, i'm certain.
As for the rumored spinner, if its the same as the traveller that runs the east coast (i think it had pink track?) then I don't think it's that bad - i've enjoyed many a ride on it whilst working shows at various times, so I can see it being popular at AW.
On the positives, return visitors (non-enthusiasts) will see this as an upgrade - similar track layout (ie: both "mouse" variants), whilst able to seat more people, and to spin. New visitors to the park obviously won't know what they're missing... so the only people upset at this (as mentioned at the top of my reply) are going to be the enthusiasts who know what's missing.
Sure, if its what we think it is, it is a poor replacement to the old mouse, but if it had to go, we could have had worse replacements, or worse - no replacements.