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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/17 in all areas

  1. I can confirm from DW, Wipeout's giant surfboards are returning, they are just recieving some love at the moment. I would imagine it would be because the wipeout logos were regularly peeling off and the surfboards are red and red fades fastest than any other colour so might also be getting a repaint.
    8 points
  2. TOT is currently in testing. Launched about three times so far.
    7 points
  3. Here's a quick layout diagram of SDSC & it's entrance(s)/exit for you @UpperCoomera. It should be roughly accurate:
    4 points
  4. 3 points
  5. They've never not played it conservatively. There just isn't the culture at Ardent Leisure to spend big on major rides; to give it some perspective their largest investment in a standalone ride is Motocoaster, as laughable as that sounds. These days in particular Dreamworld is a cash cow that they use to fund Main Event expansion. How do you justify $10-20 million on a new ride that may see a 10-15% return when that same capital can go towards several new Main Event centres in the USA that bring 30% annual return? My view is it's unlikely that Dreamworld will turn a profit this financial year and the next few years will be tough. Merlin don't expect Alton Towers to be back to normal until the 2018 season; that's three years of poor trading after their non-fatal incident. It's going to be a long haul for Ardent and it's not just the (hypothetical) $50 million in profits that theyrre losing, it's the multiplier effect of not being able to reinvest a large portion of that into other higher return businesses. There's no real secret that selling the park has been on the agenda. To me the only CapEx we'll see in the near future will be things that can't be avoided because a contract exists or it's crucial to the business, things that have a high return, or things that will improve the saleability or value of the park.
    3 points
  6. No Sea World should not take inspiration from this. Let me preface what I'm about to say with the following; there is nothing cruel about a boat ride through an animal exhibat. The problem is perception, Zoo's (and particularly marine parks) have a real image problem with the uninformed masses. The way you change that perception is to have the animals in as realistic a setting as possible, and have them tell their own stories, and you want them to be displayed in a way which conveys the respect for the animals that all zoos in this country have. When you add a ride you make them a sideshow in the guests eyes. Rather than it being a chance to watch them and get an understanding of them, they are reduced to props on a ride. Again there is nothing cruel about this, as the exhibat looks good from the video and the only thing that has changed is the guests perception, but I think you mess with that perception at your peril. Besides any of this, the best way for an animal exhibit to be seen is over a period of time, not moving through it quickly.
    3 points
  7. I started to write a reply here and it ended up as an article, but just to quickly clarify, that's revenue down 63%, not profits. Revenue of $3.66 million is certainly an overall loss for the month; recall that the November figure was around $4 million in operating costs while the park was closed.
    2 points
  8. Nice busy carpark at Dreamworld this afternoon, desperate the unsettled weather. Lots of people inside ☺️?
    2 points
  9. Wow, Cockburn ARC looks the goods from the distance. It's probably only a ten minute drive from there to Adventure World. The whole facility opens later this year. http://www.cockburnarc.com.au/About-Us/Updates/Facts-and-Figures
    1 point
  10. Not sure if anyone's noticed it or how long its been like it for but in the shopping and photos outlets page the Rocky Hollow Log Ride photo outlet isn't listed there anymore like it use to be.
    1 point
  11. Not a fan? I really enjoyed Abyss and Takabisha. They're like Hyundai, great bang for even if they're still not a Mack Hypercoaster.
    1 point
  12. Also, despite there are only being the 4 options online, at the park you can also choose how many laps you do. I went on this just as it opened. Its awesome. $29 for 1 lap, $49 for 2 laps or $69 for 4 laps.
    1 point
  13. As we've seen - he is quite capable of creating another account. You can ban a user, but they can always create another account. IP bans do nothing in today's dynamic IP world (as well as multiple devices). I'm sure the community leadership team have discussed what to do with this guy, and tbh imo it's safer to leave him be - at least we know who it is (it took a few days to cotton on to the new profile) - all we have to do is ignore him. resist the urge to reply to anything he says - NO MATTER WHAT IT IS. Since I made my post about ignoring him, i've made one reply to something he said which I quickly edited to remove it. I've replied around him to every other person on the thread without acknowledging what he said directly. The sooner everyone does that, the sooner he will get bored with posting and move onto something else.
    1 point
  14. Are you drinking beer tonight?
    1 point
  15. As has been said though, it's Wet AND wild. Whilst it may have begun as 'just a waterpark', with a roller coaster, zip line, skyswing etc, it's just as wild as it is wet.
    0 points
  16. @ClassifiedLlama it's currently being discussed in this topic, but I appreciate your enthusiasm.
    -1 points
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