It's no Hyper skeet - but for the park the size and location that it is, to have this calibre on the drawing board is pretty cool - drop tower looks to be same as hair raiser at LPS (i think the photo IS hair raiser?), air race looks like the same as pandamonium, star fly is one we haven't seen locally - (except a traveller i think?), Windstarz looks like either a modernised paratrooper style ride, or otherwise similar to Gingy's Gliders. Putting aside the Mouse and Octopus replacements, Aerobat is the only one i'm unfamiliar with - but it looks 'enterprise-ish' so i'm sticking with that for the minute.
What we've got coming to a park that by most standards is small, but growing in both popularity and size, is an array of attractions that have been successfully operated (predominantly at Dreamworld) and been popular for years.
I don't want AW to blow their wad on some monster attraction and then have no money in the bank to weather the storms or follow up with the next big thing - so for the minute i'm quite happy that they've got plans for these relatively successful, diverse and appealing rides. If we saw a new one every year, without any more removals - i could see them steadily growing to a point they would be viable for bigger, more wow level attractions.
all this is good news for the park, and good news for the park, is usually good news for us.