I'd have thought lower attendance during the week of the games would've been pretty well offset by studio hire for last 6 months and/or being gifted a whole new Sound Stage that they didn't have to pay for.
The reality is you are going to take a hit when trying to readjust the market. It's a pity that Village Roadshow is in a mess because that affects massively how much they can ride it out. I've said about pricing that they should have kept the lower price point except added block out dates in addition to the price hikes as part of the ween people off the cheap tickets process.
The weather is beyond their control, but that happens. The big story to me is they've lowered the SW one day admission ticket. That park's failure is 100% their fault. Oh but they have a plan, they're going to relocate the ride from another neglected vrtp property to it which will apparently help somehow?