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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/19 in all areas

  1. The wait to get in... F30D68AE-5677-43F8-AA73-52C5206D5CB9.MOV And they’re open...
    3 points
  2. Show looks great thanks for sharing!! Now why can't they get Scooby looking half this good?
    3 points
  3. I believe it is commonly known as "Dreamworld"
    2 points
  4. Closed due to a water pump issue -
    1 point
  5. Today I was at my church and helped cleaning out our vacation care room. While we were going through old files we found a box with paperwork all the back from 1995-2000. As we went through I found these wonderland tickets I asked if I could take them and here they are.
    1 point
  6. Just to clarify this point, which has been reported as a major bone of contention by the said North Sydney Councillor, Ian Mutton. Ride installs under the new legisaltion on Lavender Green are NOT going to be permitted. The only way that Luna Park can change this is to go through the normal DA process and have any addition or change to this area subject to the findings and auspices of said process. That would mean that any resident objection would be met and listened to. This is detailed in the DPE public information e-mail that was sent as part of the annoucement of the changes pertaining to Luna Park, as outlined below. Looking forward to the construction of the new Flying Carousel- perhaps @19Michael96 will be able to keep us regularly updated as to the ride installs progress from when it begins? Very positive times for LPS- cannot wait to see what they have in store for us- of which I am reliably told will be of an excellent quality. For now this month brings visits for me to Luna Park Melbourne, Fun Fields and Adventure Park. Looking forward to doing some trip reports and photos of these Victorian parks not often mentioned on these boards.
    1 point
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