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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/06/19 in all areas

  1. >CEO sits down to talk with the investors >Share price drops 10%
    3 points
  2. Don't you mean, switch it off? Here's a UOPPT Update, brought to you by Energex.
    1 point
  3. In a move sure to spark the local movement into overdrive once again, the Government of Canada has passed bill S203 - the 'Free Willy' bill. This makes it illegal to keep a cetacean captive, except for rescue or rehabilitation purposes. Existing animals in captivity are exempt. https://www.news.com.au/travel/world-travel/north-america/free-willy-bill-bans-dolphin-and-whale-captivity-in-canada/news-story/a1a985c2ae6827b68a03a3631d3414dc I do love PETA's comments at the bottom saying 'SeaWorld; you're next #emptythetanks' - this law wouldn't impact the current animals, and the US parks have already said they will cease their breeding programs, so its just a matter of time. No doubt the morons at Justice for Captives will read only the headlines, and initiate another set of protests at the park. Hopefully the new biosecurity arrangements at the park will see them hit harder for any disruptions.
    1 point
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