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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/08/22 in all areas

  1. 'Through no fault of the parents' Dude you literally watched your kid climb on it. I get the feeling they were really banking on the parks reputation to give them a win in the court of public opinion. I'm normally cautious about using Facebook as a moral barometer, but I'm heartened to see the comments denouncing this pretty piss poor display of parenting.
    4 points
  2. Totally agree. Take some bloody personal responsibility, you watched him climb it!
    2 points
  3. Biggest crock of shit in history bloke should sue himself for being an inattentive and irresponsible parent who let his kid climb onto top of a structure that wasn’t designed to be climbed upon
    2 points
  4. Word on the street is that the castle isn't in the best of condition, which makes sense given it was built on a budget in the late 70s. As much as I'm nostalgic for it, I think it's ok to let it go. The room the castle and Flume station (and south of the Flume station too) is pretty big, but not absurdly so. It's also an awkward space. Even so, one thing I liked about that area as a kid, and something I like in general, is rides that go through each other. Skyway's station was built in the middle of the Flume, which itself went over the 3D theatre and under Bermuda. Was rather interconnected which for my taste made things more interesting. I'd like if they could tightly squeeze a couple of coasters in that area, including going through storm; something high end thrill and smaller like a mouse. I think the argument that SW is a family park and shouldn't have high end thrill rides is pretty silly. The thing about parks specialising and only doing one thing well is pretty new all things considered, and I think treating SW as a park only for families with small kids has been a big misstep. In the old days, these parks were for everyone, which means stuff the family can do together, but also a few proper thrill rides as well. If you balance out the attraction mix at SW with some more thrill rides, you would massively improve attendance. Don't neglect the families with small kids obviously, but don't ignore the older kids/adults too. FWIW though, Surfrider and Vortex are both not good fits for SW. The only rides at SW with 140cm height restrictions should be one or two super headliners. In the context of a dry park like SW, both those rides are filler. Adding them limits what your next rides can be, while also not gaining you anything in terms of drawcards. In the context of a park like WnW however, both those rides would be 'big' thrill rides and a point of difference between WnW, and all the other water parks out there. Not only should surfrider not go to SW, Vortex should go to WnW. Vortex should then be replaced with a super low impact, quiet, family ride to give an aerial view of the dolphin pools/ski lake. Observation Tower, floating Island or Ferris wheel, take your pick of which it should be.
    2 points
  5. Seriously? How on Earth would a Raptor ever be the right fit for the park? If VR went ahead with something like that, it'd be a complete misread of their target demographic. SW has always positioned itself as a family park and they've endured for more than 50 years because of it. Obviously, they had the Sea Viper there for a long time (tame and antiquated by modern standards), but I think the addition of Leviathan plus two decent flats more than fills that niche. I'll say it time and time again, as an enthusiast, I'd love to see more cutting-edge, extreme rides to come to Australia, but they need to be positioned in the right place at the right time. Would MW benefit from another big coaster in the not-too-distant future? Absolutely, build your Raptor there, minding they'd probably benefit more from another show, dark ride or water ride first. DW? Same story, build a new water ride as a matter of urgency and then go for another coaster. If I had the big golden key to SW, on the Vikings' site I'd probably do some kind of walk-through attraction, a smaller themed area with a couple of good flats, or even a modern flume ride a la Phantasialand.
    1 point
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