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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/10/22 in all areas

  1. Day time testing of both leviathan and trident happing atm. Leviathan is testing with both trains and odd loads. Not much video of trident was only excited about the coaster 😉 IMG_9229.MOV IMG_9230.MOV
    7 points
  2. The fact they’ve added the ‘joy to the world’ makes me think that this year they’re actually changing/updating the event. And previous years have had a blue/white sign, so this could mean a colour scheme change for the event too. Finally! Also, the Instagram story teases some of the new floats too. I’m sure many parts of the event will be the same, but a new parade and decorations will be great to see. Maybe a new tree too?!
    3 points
  3. TPSN shared these photos of the legs of trident statue installed. And more of the arches have gone in (these ones appear to be on the path at the back of the dolphin lagoon
    3 points
  4. Honestly the practical effects seem to get more attention (when they're working) than the digital stuff. I'd rather they switched to practical however possible (though noting some don't translate well). Hanna Barbera Land used to have a bedrock style house, with doors and such with things that opened and shut - including a sabertoothed cat's tail that would growl (like a sabertooth cat) when kids would pull on it. The effects don't have to be stupendously amazing. And nothing that relies on consumables - like fog juice etc - water spray or sound effects triggers are just fine - heck even the madagascar statues in Dreamworks that spray water get the laughs every day from people caught out. Given Doomsday's literal high bar to entry, having things that amuse the kids in the surrounding areas should be a priority. And get rid of the RFID crap.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. It's not that bad, your only 2 months early, and even then, those 2 months are going to go really fast to say the least.
    1 point
  7. Well that's great news that their fixing stuff up in the doomsday precinct, we can only that they keep them maintained, so they continue to work.
    1 point
  8. It'd be on the opposite side of the pathway - which based on the markings we've seen, they're keeping the path intact. I would like to see them repurpose that space though - even if they park a coffee cart or something there for parents to chill.
    1 point
  9. Forgot to mention, the hi-strike/exploding bank in the Doomsday precinct has been fixed! It now automatically activates as soon as you press the plunger and the old wristband reader has been completely bypassed. Same goes with the other effects in the area, they now just activate automatically as soon as you walk over to them.
    1 point
  10. Here are some close-up shots of the area. These “Ride” markers have now been placed in various locations around the area: This appears to be the location of the operator’s booth: Some of the existing speakers have been removed and one of their protective housings has been dumped near the former Marvin attraction: Existing electrical cables are also in the process of being removed: Some more general shots of the area:
    1 point
  11. I do agree but for different reasons. First the ride's presentation is very underwhelming. It is presented like a zoo exhibit - not a theme park attraction. Wipeout and Taipan have both served as 'great white hope' investments, but Wipeout looks far cooler on a TVC or on social media than Taipan is (given the level of detail between these two rides are night and day). The ride itself isn't exactly that special either, because to an average guest it looks similar to rivals - both cosmetically and in terms of ride layout - an inverted coaster would have given them something unique rather than dropping a cool $30 million on a clone. A well-done flume could even have been an even better use for that money at the time to bring back families. The Kenny & Belinda theme is going to probably take over Dreamworks. The license is probably up for renewal soon and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Comcast isn't keen on renewing one of their IP's to a competitor, or is charging a hefty amount for the privilege. IMO it's a shit retheme - because there's attractions like Pandamonium that you need to fit into that area which skew well above what the theme would suggest. A simple generic theme would do nicely without use of characters.
    1 point
  12. People disagree with you because ALL of your ideas and thoughts are not grounded in reality.
    1 point
  13. Honestly I'd love if the upcoming Jungle Rush attraction was some kind of long water ride utilising the lake/river/water donut, but the fact that it's called 'Jungle Rush' and not 'Jungle Splash' means its going to be something decidedly not wet. Shame that.
    1 point
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