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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/02/24 in all areas

  1. The entrance pathway is coming together, and some of that juicy 2D comic theming has been installed
    2 points
  2. its an annual event in it's fourth year and by all accounts this was the first with problems. A single reported case of harassment, with several other alleged to be unreported. Everyone saying the park just doing it for money, but they're damned if they do or don't. If they'd refused the booking, the illawarra mercury would have run a story about how Jamberoo discriminates against muslims. Unwinnable in the media... But let's pare it back a bit - It was a non-opening day. Private hire. Staff were, according to the article, able to choose whether to work that day or not. The organisers requested male only staff, but this could not be accommodated logistically. The organisers requested modest attire for staff, and provided garments that would achieve the purpose. The staff wore these garments voluntarily - as has been the practice in previous years. A handful of people out of the approximately 800 attendees caused trouble. The organisers and the park are working together to resolve these issues The park has a responsibility to provide a safe workplace, and will be liable under their workers compensation for any physical or mental injuries suffered in the course of employment. The decision to host this event is up to the park, but as noted, 3 incident free events have run previously, so this could not have been foreseen. I've no doubt they will review carefully before agreeing to host another event for this group. Take the religion out of it - I've seen non muslim teens and young adults behave poorly towards women in public, and especially where there is a client \ employee relationship putting the woman at a disadvantage. It is not restricted to one culture or religion. (And let's be fair - i've seen young women behave poorly in the same dynamic reversed). Had this been a private hire for a group of private catholic school boys, i've no doubt of the possibility that some bad apples would have behaved similarly - however people would be less up in arms because "boys will be boys". The religion has very little to do with the behaviour. By all accounts, approximately 795 of the attendees did not harass or degrade the female employees - but that doesn't make good news.
    2 points
  3. Sea World can do it decently, so Movie World really have no excuse
    1 point
  4. They mean recent images directly from Google, and for the general population. Yes, we can see more updated aerial stills thanks to you supplying paid photos from Nearmap, but the main, accessible, interactive, and publicly available aerial map that’s used by 99.99% of people didn’t even have DCR.
    1 point
  5. What the hell have I been doing? For the record, i'm happy to provide updated images of specific things if requested (feel free to send me a PM if there's something specific you want to chat about to make sure I capture it right) but I generally try to update the images in threads like this whenever I notice there has been an update. 28th December is the most recent shot for all the GC parks due to the 'disaster flyover' after the storms.
    1 point
  6. The only thing I can think of is that they are trying to represent "a day in the life" on set. And, I think it largely succeeds at that; it's boring, tedious, repetitive, and largely has you wishing nonspecific harm upon everyone involved by the end.
    1 point
  7. I'm glad the green is gone, but honestly have they learned nothing? stop throwing up plain boring hoarding (black mesh is just as bad, IMO). You know you're shutting something down, either have a custom wrap for it (if its an attraction that requires it annually to keep the theme) or get some nice 'generic' themed stuff like WB characters in a scene (see the old WB Kids hut) with characters saying (or holding a sign saying) "pardon our mess while we.... etc etc" Generic ones are also handy for times when things go down unplanned, and they should always have 20-30 metres of this generic style for unexpected or generic attractions and outlets. Movie World would benefit from: A western town themed wrap to block WWF when needed. They've already got the forced perspective matte painting to copy from as a sample. This attraction and its entire land is blocked off whenever the ride is under maintenance so would get used regularly (and would have the added bonus of themed walkways towards fright night sheds, or even around the Santa install) A DC themed wrap to block Rivals, or Justice League, or Batwing, or Green Lantern, or any combination of these A WB character wrap for Kids attractions AND \ OR generic in park maintenance like food outlets or main street stores. An Oz wrap... for when the time comes (and if they're smart they could work with PICO while they're on the project to ensure it is thematically consistent with the rest of the artwork)
    1 point
  8. For anyone unaware, The Showstage (main show shooting location) is currently the WB Showcase. The floor area of Showcase is where the stage used to be, and the black drapes that surround the movie props (on the right side as you enter) are all hiding the grandstand seating behind. Showstage used to be open air at the rear, but was enclosed later in the park's life and "fully" climate controlled.
    1 point
  9. There's a lesson in there not to wait. I had heard a rumour that someone was injured on it, and there were liability issues. Entirely rumour though - interesting that wedgie and Aqualoop both close 'permanently' within such a short space of time though. See also: Fully Six Four. No more Polin please. Tee Hee! Shhh! Don't tell Dreamworld's 2010 marketing team!
    1 point
  10. You can argue that there is a need for male-only and female-only events and venues. I'm not keen on the idea, but that's the world we live in. Ideally it should all be equal, everyone can go anywhere they like etc. I act no different around women than I do men. And yes, perhaps there shouldn't be female workers at a male-only event. That should have been the park's responsibility to organise. However, none of that excuses the behaviour of anyone who abused or harassed anyone at this - or any - event. So people are a different gender - get over it.
    1 point
  11. Imo, more excited to see Rivertown. My family are definitely enjoying dreamworld lately over Movieworld. More space, better atmosphere etc. Excited for both don’t get me wrong.
    1 point
  12. You certainly can't fault Greg's vision. A well themed family coaster is something we pretty much all agreed would be ideal for DW. And making it a semi dark ride is the icing on the cake. So glad he is placing such a big emphasis on theming and practical effects
    1 point
  13. Looking at the audience shots, that has to have held at least 2000 people in the seats (~30 rows, with ~30 people in the right-most side section, and extrapolating from there). I am sure that someone here has better information about the capacity than that. Imagine being able to take 2000 people out of the other queues for 45-60 minutes by staging a 30-minute show 3 times a day. They really need to bring back an audience sponge like that.
    1 point
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