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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/24 in all areas

  1. shipping containers full of track has arrived for Jungle Rush. goldcoast_themeparks
    4 points
  2. I honestly think that this should be reported to the ACCC. Advertising a major ride against a 3-day pass price during a period when that ride is scheduled to be closed is misleading and deceptive. I would say the same for all the digital billboards with that photo. The reasonable expectation is that purchasing a 3-day pass would allow you to ride Rivals. The ACL doesn't require anyone to have actually been misled, just that it is likely to mislead or deceive.
    2 points
  3. Where have I seen that image before… Oh, yeah!
    2 points
  4. I find it hilarious that anyone here is defending a park operating with >50% of its major rides out of action, what a joke of an operation Movie World has become. The fact that the park reportedly defends the poor customer experience as being "in line with our requirements" is laughably tone deaf and contemptuous. It's unfortunate that most guests don't find this out until they've wasted their money on admission. No refunds, moose out front should've told ya!
    2 points
  5. Better than the orange in the older concepts, tbf
    1 point
  6. There's something I want to highlight here - You complain the park is price gouging. You admit every corporation does the same thing. You agree the competition does it, but is not as blatant. Everything seems like an upcharge Prices are up offerings are down Every time you go to MW you feel ripped off. There's a very simple solution - STOP GOING TO MOVIEWORLD. At this point i've been saying this for years I might as well set up a recording. So long as people keep lining up to give them money, there is no motivation for them to change their practices. They keep monetising things because those things make a profit. Dreamworld "isn't as blatant" because they're trying to win people back. They need to offer people a reason to visit and see that they've changed and their best option is to be cheaper than the other guy. (but they do still need to make money, it's not a charity). We all knew, when BGH bought into the business, that things were going to change. They were going to cut costs, and increase profits. They need to turn the balance sheet around to make the business more valuable than what they paid for it, and then they want to sell it to make a profit on their purchase price. They're an investment capital business, not a theme park business, and it was always going to happen this way. They are doing whatever makes money. But if you stop paying them... if they stop making money... if the value of the brand, or the business goes down, they will need to change how they do business to improve the reputation, or... eat the loss. The very simple solution to fix all of the bad things happening at the park right now is.... JUST DON'T GO. STOP GIVING THEM MONEY. VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET.
    1 point
  7. Personally I like the trolley system where they come down the train, but for it to work there has to be extra dedicated position or two just for it: https://www.parkz.com.au/photo/31186-OzIris/gallery/sort/newest/location/oziris/offset/18 In my view, if you want to deal with loose items as fast as possible, there's no avoiding extra staff. You either need lockers or double sided lockers, with staff chaperoning guests. Or you need staff working the platform, actively collecting items. ******* The automatic cubby holes Mack and Intamin make are a good compromise, no extra staff, but not as fast.
    1 point
  8. oh fuck off. You're the first one to come on here and complain about how slow operations are, and how much faster they could be if they just copied *insert overseas park \ ride example here* with complete disregard for whatever possible regional differences in law and compliance they may be impacted by, and then in the next breath make suggestions that would demonstrably slow down operations even further. I've been on Electric Eel and that station is PACKED with staff. The park has more than double the annual attendance and a comparable ticket price, and lower wages make it easier to staff operations positions. Go back to spinning your little turnstile.
    1 point
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