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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/05/24 in all areas

  1. It might not be ‘all new’ because they’ve been open for 15 months now, but it’s their newest thing, so they’re going to keep marketing them as new until something newer opens. I’d argue that Trident has been closed more than it’s been open, so in terms of its operating lifetime, it would only be a couple months old and therefore new. DW are also currently marketing they have 11 new attractions. They really only have 4 brand new attractions, but the other 7 are refurbished/rethemed, so they’re counting them to bump out the number for marketing.
    1 point
  2. I mean the answer is pretty obvious, how many kids (or teenagers for that matter) that you know are named Rodney? If the number is zero then the Police Academy Stunt Show was successful in eliminating that wretched name from the gene pool. #justsayin
    1 point
  3. The photos and video are awesome. Not sure why anyone is so concerned about dates. Once again, a billion times better than DW's social efforts
    1 point
  4. First we're complaining that one park doesn't take enough angles and the next it's that the other park's photos are... not taken recently enough? Fuck me enthusiasts are fucking dog shit. These photos are the 'sexy' shots enthusiasts salivate over. Our parks have never gone to this sort of effort before, and instead of being 'wow, that looks great, I can't wait to ride it' we're just gonna shit on them for the effort? Fuck off. And then First - I can't see what you're talking about so maybe we need a clickbait circle or arrow to point it out to everyone? (There is a small blur in the first photo at the bottom, and i'd say maybe they've cloned a vehicle out of the shot or something but that really doesn't detract from things...) Second - maybe they need to hide things. I saw all the 'secret' shots of the leviathan station taken by one of the tradies working the job, and i was still 'wowed' when I first entered the ride. Maybe there's things they want to keep a surprise, or maybe it has people, or companies that did not consent to being filmed? And so what? the photos are meant to get you excited about the three new rollercoasters they're building - and you can see all of that, right down to the fucking track joints. So just shut up. say thankyou and be fucking grateful someone in that company actually made a fucking effort for once. Because lord knows, they didn't have to.
    1 point
  5. It begins! Like with the Surfrider track this can be seen on the road to Paradise Country
    1 point
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